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A winning pro-life strategy

A winning pro-life strategy

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Saturday, July 30, 2005

A winning pro-life strategy
Posted: July 30, 20051:00 a.m. Eastern
By Dr. Kelly Hollowell
© 2000>© 2005
Last week, I presented three frontlines in the national battle over abortion. They are judicial activism, medical technology and legislative activity. In follow-up, I now propose a strategy for winning the pro-life debate with a campaign I recently unveiled in San Diego. The new campaign is based on: L.I.F.E. (No apologies, No exceptions)
"L" stands for Legislate. That is, legislate our own brand of morality. To do this we must first rebuff the nonsense argument that "we don't legislate morality in this nation." To the contrary, every law is someone's idea of what is right or wrong. The very purpose of the law is to restrain and punish heartless and depraved behavior.
For example, we are willing to criminalize all kinds of corrupt activity like rape, theft, arson and murder. And since abortion is most often the deliberate taking of a life, it is murder and should be legislated against with "no apologies and no exceptions."
Too many people mistakenly think that abortion is exclusively an issue of the heart and that the church only needs to work harder through prayer. They are wrong. Martin Luther King Jr. once said (and I paraphrase) he "couldn't make men love him, but [he] could keep them from lynching him." That was by changing the law.
Of course, it is naturally and necessarily incumbent on the church to pray for hearts to change, but prayer alone is simply not enough. No one would stand by silently praying as a child was raped before their very eyes. Why do we stand by silently while more than 3,500 children are murdered every day?
One answer is that the evil of abortion is kept in the dark behind the closed doors of abortion clinics, doctor's offices and laboratories. So what do we do?
We need to start legislating our own brand of morality beginning at the local level. What's working in pockets across America is the passing of legislation such as parental notification, informed consent, and 1 to 5 day cool-down laws. We also need to criminalize harm to the unborn. This has been accomplished to some degree at the federal level – it needs to happen in every state and locality.
Another way to enact our own brand of morality is to pass laws requiring ultrasounds before abortion. Let mothers see the truth of the murder they are about to commit. Make women knowingly responsible for their actions. Make them look their baby in the face before they kill him or her. Sound cruel? It is not more cruel than tearing apart a child in the womb or the physical and emotional harm women suffer as a result of the abortion procedure itself.
Next, we need to encourage more state attorneys general to pursue child molesters through abortion records. This is happening in Kansas and Indiana. It needs to happen everywhere. Think about it. When a 13- or 14-year-old girl is having an abortion, she has been raped. She simply doesn't have the capacity to give legal consent to sex. That means whoever made her pregnant should be prosecuted as a child molester.
Finally, we need to pass laws to push the teaching of abstinence education in school. Despite all the negative media hype, it actually does work. It is simply that peddlers of sex don't want America to believe it. The bottom line is that if we stress to kids the dangers, reality and consequences of sex and made abortion illegal we would see a dramatic change in the sexual activity of our children.
"I" stands for "Identify and deny the lies." It is a simple fact that those who favor abortion never defend the act of abortion itself. Rather they wrap the debate in a pack of convoluted and complex lies to sell abortion. They sell abortion as a privacy right, a property right, a freedom from reproduction, a necessary evil and a solution to social ills.
To all of these lies there is a simple one-word response. The answer is "No." Abortion is not a privacy right. There is no hidden clause in the Constitution that gives the right to women to kill their children in the womb. It is not a property right. Since the abolishment of slavery, people cannot be treated as property. It is not a reproductive freedom. I mean, let's face it: Once a woman is pregnant, she already has reproduced. The only question is whether to have a live or a dead baby.
It is not a necessary evil. A mother will never have to sacrifice her life to save the life of her child. If in saving the life of a mother the baby's life is lost, it is tragic. But it is not murder as long as the intent and effort was to save both lives. Neither is it a necessary evil in response to rape. The bottom line is that a child does not find its value in the circumstances of his or her conception – not even in the worst of all circumstances.
Finally, abortion is not a solution to social ills. Not a single societal problem has improved since Roe – not homelessness, not hunger, not overpopulation. All of these defenses of abortion are based on lies.
"F" stands for "Free women." That is, free women from false feminism and sexual exploitation. The truth is that abortion does not empower women. But liberals have grossly distorted feminism to be epitomized by women willing to kill their own children in the womb. To the contrary, "real women" don't kill their children and "real men" don't expect them to.
Additionally, both women and children need to be freed from sexual exploitation. Who can deny that abortion supports sexually irresponsible men to exploit women without consequences? It should come as no surprise that men, ages 18-35, are among the most ardent supporters of abortion which, by the way, poses no actual risk to men. The same cannot be said for women who undergo the horrifying procedure.
"E" stands for "End the bloodshed" – and it is bloodshed. Science now affirms that life begins at conception. From conception we are biologically alive, genetically human, genetically and sexually distinct, and able to direct our own growth and development. It is a plain scientific fact that life is on a continuum from conception until death whenever that occurs.
Denying this basic medical fact has resulted in nothing less than the genocide of an entire generation of children. Did you know over 3,500 children will die today? Another 3,500 will die tomorrow and the day after that. According to one source, in the year 2000 alone, "more children died from abortion than Americans died in the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, World Wars I and II, the Korean, Vietnam and Gulf Wars combined."
So the answer once again is simple and uncompromising: L.I.F.E. (No apologies, No exceptions)
Identify and deny the lies
Free women
End the bloodshed
Tell a friend.


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