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This Eloquently Written Book Reveals the Evil

This Eloquently Written Book Reveals the Evil

Truth is a rare commodity in today’s media. It has fallen victim to spin, misrepresentation and outright lies. But I’m happy to report that there is truth-cold, hard truth-on the pages of The Hidden Axis of Evil by my friend and colleague Fred Martinez.

Some of what he writes is not pleasant. Take, for example, the following passage:

“Likewise, liberals replace the Constitution with sex and ethnic power struggles that lead to the breaking of the rule of law. If a president can sexually abuse women and possibly even rape them, then obstruct justice and lie under oath, are we under the rule of law?”

This is one of many points not covered in today’s media. Nor is there any serious discussion of the true sources of much of what is wrong with America, such as:

- “Freud…profoundly changed America from a Christian culture to a therapeutic or self-centered culture.”

-“Homosexuality is one of the causes the networks will cover up and defend at any cost.”

- “It is widely known by the American Catholic Church that the vast majority of sexual abusers are homosexuals. So, why are ‘Church officials’ and the media not explaining that the scandal is not about pedophilia, but about homosexuality?”

These are just a few of the horrors turning our culture and way of life to the dark side-horrors which we deal with on an ongoing basis in the pages of my headline news website,

Unfortunately, the “Soviet Republics of CBS, ABC and NBC” bring us all the news they feel is fit to broadcast. That the networks are forces against the truth cannot be denied.

After you read The Hidden Axis of Evil you will know the other forces, besides the networks, that for the past hundred years have driven America to a culture gravely unraveling because it is running away from truth.

Fred Martinez is one of those courageous and bold “few good men” who can handle the truth.

When I was asked to write the foreword for his book, frankly I felt like Moses at the Burning Bush. He wondered why God would choose him. In Exodus he said:

“Please Lord I have never been eloquent, neither recently, or in times past, nor since Thou has spoken to Thy servant for I am slow of speech and slow of tongue. And the Lord said, Who has made man’s mouth.… I will be with your mouth and teach you what you are to say.”

I have written to-the-point op-eds for, but writing a foreword for The Hidden Axis of Evil makes me feel Moses-like tremors beneath my feet.

I take this responsibility very seriously, because this is a good work. I believe this eloquently written book reveals the evil that is turning our culture upside down.

The “axis of evil” is being fought not just halfway around the world but also from within. Hidden Axis puts a spotlight on the real horrors lurking among us-who they are, where they are-and encourages us, as Fred Martinez so aptly wrote, to ‘stand firm, like Lincoln, and limit the spread of a great evil.’”

Mr. Martinez has written many columns on the issues troubling this great nation. His thought-provoking work seeks to bring solutions to the problems we face. The very titles of his writing, such as his op-ed “How to End Planned Parenthood’s Anti-Catholic and Anti-Woman Agenda,” express answers for us to think about.

You need only look around you to see that something is terribly wrong with the road we’ve been traveling. Well, if you have been reading this up to now, you are that man or woman who can make a difference in the world.

Hidden Axis shows you how to help end the nightmare of abortion. It also shows you who and what caused the sex abuse scandal in the American Catholic Church as well as ways to end that scandal.

Then there’s Spider-Man. “Oh what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive!” Sir Walter Scott tells us.

Speaking of webs, Spider-Man would never weave a web to deceive. The original artist and co-creator of Spider-Man, Steve Ditko, according to Hidden Axis of Evil, was an artist who “now seems prophetic for saying in the 1987 show that if we glorify the anti-hero in art, then anti-life and violence will come into our culture.”

Life imitating art? Imagine that. It has.

The Hidden Axis of Evil puts this comic book superhero in a light you might not have thought about. Fred’s book rings with truth, wisdom and great insight.

Tony DiGirolamo

Culture Shock executive producer

Tony DiGirolamo is the executive producer of the Culture Shock television show as well as the CultureShock headline news website. He began his television career at an independent station in Philadelphia by producing and directing news, public affairs and children’s programs. After this he worked with the media team for the 1980 Reagan-Bush campaign and has worked with ABC, NBC and network affiliates nationwide.



FRED MARTINEZ: NEWSMAX.COM Special Commentary guest columnist during the Catholic Scandal ... Also at He has written a very important book for our time.

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