Joe Scarborough’s “Rome Wasn't Burnt in a Day” says "yes." The book shows that Democrats and President George Bush with the Republican Congress are “bankrupting America by launching the biggest spending spree in the history of the United States.”
Former Congressman Scarborough from his experience in the Contact with America Republican Revolution shows that a machine such as in the movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” runs America.
Scarborough writes convincingly that America is being bankrupt by “political intrigue in the bowels of Congress” as one reviewer said. If this is true then the question is how do we stop the ruining of the USA.
The book’s solution is the “Taxpayer Bill of Rights.” I will quote in full Joe Scarborough’s “Ten Proposals to Save America.” On page180-181 Scarborough writes:
“Frank Luntz, the pollster who wrote the first Contract with America, has devised a new set of reforms he calls the "Taxpayers Bill of Rights." It's a series of measures that would simplify how Washington ... restrain how they spend it. I have borrowed from Luntz's proposal and combined his ideas with my political reforms; I believe these ten proposals would change the way Washington works:
I. Ban congressmen, senators, and White House officials from lobbying for five years.
2. Freeze the pay of congressmen, senators, and White House officials until the federal budget is balanced. This includes cost-of-living adjustments!
3. Force political candidates to immediately scan and post all campaign contributions on their campaign website. Failure to do so results in criminal penalties.
4. Pass term limits now! Since the House of Representatives authorizes the federal spending, limit House members to three terms (six years).
5. Make Congress and every Washington bureaucracy undergo an independent, professional audit, line by line, program by program, every four years.
6. Pass a constitutional amendment requiring Washington to balance the budget every year except when Congress passes a resolution declaring a national emergency.
7. Create a federal rainy-day fund that would set aside one-half of one percent of all tax receipts each year for national, state, and local emergencies.
8. Reenact pay-as-you-go rules that would require Congress to offset new spending programs and tax cuts with spending cuts from other programs.
9. Reinstitute congressional spending caps that would force congressmen or senators to live within their previous spending projections. These caps will not be broken unless Congress passed a separate resolution declaring a national emergency described in number 6.
10. Pass a new American tax code written by a bipartisan panel of budget experts instead of the lobbyist groups who regularly carve out special-interest deductions and greatly simplify the tax system.”
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Former Congressman Scarborough from his experience in the Contact with America Republican Revolution shows that a machine such as in the movie “Mr. Smith Goes to Washington” runs America.
Scarborough writes convincingly that America is being bankrupt by “political intrigue in the bowels of Congress” as one reviewer said. If this is true then the question is how do we stop the ruining of the USA.
The book’s solution is the “Taxpayer Bill of Rights.” I will quote in full Joe Scarborough’s “Ten Proposals to Save America.” On page180-181 Scarborough writes:
“Frank Luntz, the pollster who wrote the first Contract with America, has devised a new set of reforms he calls the "Taxpayers Bill of Rights." It's a series of measures that would simplify how Washington ... restrain how they spend it. I have borrowed from Luntz's proposal and combined his ideas with my political reforms; I believe these ten proposals would change the way Washington works:
I. Ban congressmen, senators, and White House officials from lobbying for five years.
2. Freeze the pay of congressmen, senators, and White House officials until the federal budget is balanced. This includes cost-of-living adjustments!
3. Force political candidates to immediately scan and post all campaign contributions on their campaign website. Failure to do so results in criminal penalties.
4. Pass term limits now! Since the House of Representatives authorizes the federal spending, limit House members to three terms (six years).
5. Make Congress and every Washington bureaucracy undergo an independent, professional audit, line by line, program by program, every four years.
6. Pass a constitutional amendment requiring Washington to balance the budget every year except when Congress passes a resolution declaring a national emergency.
7. Create a federal rainy-day fund that would set aside one-half of one percent of all tax receipts each year for national, state, and local emergencies.
8. Reenact pay-as-you-go rules that would require Congress to offset new spending programs and tax cuts with spending cuts from other programs.
9. Reinstitute congressional spending caps that would force congressmen or senators to live within their previous spending projections. These caps will not be broken unless Congress passed a separate resolution declaring a national emergency described in number 6.
10. Pass a new American tax code written by a bipartisan panel of budget experts instead of the lobbyist groups who regularly carve out special-interest deductions and greatly simplify the tax system.”
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