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Conservative Choice for President

--- wrote:

> Subject: Conservative Choice for President, Pat
> Buchanan web site.
> From the web site of Pat Buchanan, is this great
> article by Chuck Baldwin, former Vice-Presidential
> nominee of Constitutional Party.
> No real conservative could support GOP front runners
> like Rudy Giuliani, Mitt Romney, John McCain, or
> Fred Thompson. When it comes to historic
> conservative principles, each of these men is as
> phony as a three dollar bill. They are now
> attempting to cast themselves as conservatives. Mike
> Huckabee is dismal (liberal) on immigration and Big
> Brother issues.
> And speaking of Christianity, Ron Paul’s testimony
> is clear. He has publicly acknowledged Jesus Christ
> as his personal Savior. And for Paul, this is not
> political posturing, it is a genuine personal
> commitment.
> Just recently, Ron Paul said these words, “I have
> never been one who is comfortable talking about my
> faith in the political arena. In fact, the pandering
> that typically occurs in the election season I find
> to be distasteful. But for those who have asked, I
> freely confess that Jesus Christ is my personal
> Savior, and that I seek His guidance in all that I
> do. I know, as you do, that our freedoms come not
> from man, but from God. My record of public service
> reflects my reverence for the Natural Rights with
> which we have been endowed by a loving Creator.”
> Should Ron Paul win the Republican nomination, he
> would almost certainly win the general election. His
> constitutional, common-sense ideals would be
> attractive to such a broad range of voters, I dare
> say that he would win a landslide victory, no matter
> who the Democrats nominated. Conservatives,
> independents, libertarians, union members, and even
> some liberals (mostly those who oppose the war in
> Iraq and Bush’s Big Brother schemes) would support
> Ron Paul. The challenge is winning the Republican
> nomination.
> Face it: the big money interests, the Chamber of
> Commerce crowd, the international bankers and GOP
> hierarchy will never support Dr. Paul. He is too
> honest, too ethical, too constitutional, and too
> independent for their liking. Therefore, the only
> chance Ron Paul has of winning the Republican
> nomination is for every Christian, every
> conservative, and every constitutionalist within the
> GOP to get behind him.
> Conservative Republicans have only one choice for
> President in 2008: Ron Paul. Read the rest of the
> article at:
> Ron Paul similar to Pat Buchanan
> The 2008 Presidential race appears to be a
> reenactment of the race of 1996, when conservative
> Pat Buchanan challenged the establishment candidate
> Bob Dole. Pat Buchanan placed 2nd in the Iowa Caucus
> and won the New Hampshire primary. Pat also won
> early in states like North Dakota, and Alaska. After
> the impressive win in New Hampshire, Pat was on the
> way to win the Republican nomination, but was
> derailed by constant daily attacks from the news
> media. True conservatives are rallying in mass
> around Ron Paul, their biggest chance to send a
> message to Washington. Of all the current
> candidates, Ron Paul seems to be most like Pat
> Buchanan. Even on the official web site of Pat
> Buchanan, Pat Buchanan
> provides a page dedicated to the Ron Paul. Read more
> at:
> Ron Paul - Carrying the Conservative Mantel in 2008
> Ron Paul is the leader in winning straw polls across
> the nation. With the powerful grass roots support,
> he consistently embarrasses the news media front
> runners. Ron Paul has been endorsed by the 2004
> Constitutional Party Candidate Michael Peroutka, and
> former Congressman Barry Goldwater, Jr.
> Massive Grassroots Support For Ron Paul
> Described as King of the Internet. Ron Paul leads
> all candidates with the largest number of grass
> roots supporters and local organizations. Ron Paul
> has about 1,400 identified Ron Paul Meetup Groups
> across the nation, with an impressive number of
> members in the 70,000 range. No other candidate can
> come close to being that organized. You can join a
> local Ron Paul Meetup Group near you visit
> Be one of 40,000 who donate to Ron Paul on December
> 16:
> Get a Ron Paul yard sign or bumper sticker
> If you received this update notice in error or want
> to discontinues receiving notices please use the
> following link:
> If you do not trust remove links, just add REMOVE to
> the Subject and forward this entire message to the
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> The above link can also be used to correct name,
> change email address or signup for other
> notification notices.
> God Bless,
> Chairman

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