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Movie Star Saved Real Baby

'Bella' Movie Star, Eduardo Verastegui, Saved Real Baby While Researching His Award-Winning Film. Plus, New Los Angeles Times Story Will Inspire Moviegoers and Bring More Rave Reviews
REDONDO BEACH, Calif., Dec. 6 /Christian Newswire/ -- "By the grace of God, I was able to save this baby," said Eduardo Verastegui, star of the movie, "Bella." The famous 33-year-old Mexican actor shared this while holding baby "Eduardito" at a LAPS pregnancy center banquet in Los Angeles.

Eduardo always hoped his new film would touch lives and inspire souls, but he never imagined "Bella" would help save a real baby's life before filming even began. More on this in a minute...

"Bella" - in theaters now - getting rave reviews ( see 12/4/07 L.A. Times article and other reviews). "Bella" took top prize at Toronto's International Film Festival (2006), winning the highly coveted "People's Choice Award," a distinction that puts it in the company of such Oscar-winning films as Chariots of Fire, American Beauty, Life is Beautiful, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Hotel Rwanda.

Tony Bennett testimony - At the New York "Bella" premiere, Grammy winning singer Tony Bennett spontaneously took the microphone from Eduardo Verastegui and gave an impassioned speech through tears about how much he loved "Bella." Bennett called it the "perfect movie, an artistic masterpiece that every American must see."

Top Hispanic singer/songwriter Alejandro Sanz, who's won 15 Grammys, loved Bella so much he wrote a song for the movie. The Smithsonian Institute produced a video for their annual Awards Gala featuring famous Latino celebrities sharing their passion for "Bella." It included Alejandro Sanz, Maria Celeste, Angelica Vale, Paulina Rubio, the lead singer of Switchfoot and the Chairman of the Smithsonian Institute.

But Eduardo's most precious testimony goes back to the time he was doing research for his lead role in this award-winning, romantic drama.

Eduardo says, "I decided to go to an abortion center to see if I could learn more about what women think and feel when faced with a crisis pregnancy..." That's when Eduardo met a couple seeking an abortion. He spoke with them for 45 minutes, offering them hope, help, encouragement and his phone number.

"Several months later," Eduardo continues, "I received a phone call from the man I met with the pregnant lady in front of the abortion center. He said, 'Hello Eduardo - this is Javier, and I have great news. My boy was born yesterday! I want to thank you and ask your permission - I would like to name him, Eduardo.'"

"I just put the phone down - I couldn't even talk," Eduardo says. "It's the most emotional thing I've ever done in my life. It changed my life. It was beautiful. I went to the hospital to meet them and see the baby. A few weeks later, I was holding little Eduardito in my hands. It was beautiful!"

Spread word about "Bella," says pro-life leader

California pro-life leader J.T. Finn was moved by "Bella" and Eduardo's beautiful story. Finn says, "We need to help this award-winning, pro- adoption movie, 'Bella,' stay in theaters so it can keep saving babies' lives and touching people's minds and hearts."

Finn founded two popular Web sites and and he promotes "Bella" because of its heartwarming, inspiring theme: One person can change your life forever

"'Bella' is doing extremely well at the box office for the limited number of theaters it's in," says Finn, "but the onslaught of Christmas blockbuster films, some of which open this weekend, threatens to drive it out of theaters."

"One thing we can do," Finn says, "is to use the Internet to multiply our positive 'word of mouth' about 'Bella.' E-mail all your friends and relatives. Tell them to see 'Bella' this weekend. If everyone passes the message along, we can reach millions of people about this touching, inspiring, pro-life film."

Visit and and you can watch amazing trailers, videos and special TV interviews with read a great new article about "Bella" published in the Los Angeles Times.

"Why not join the grassroots movement of people who are seeing 'Bella' multiple times, treating friends to see it, arranging for classes, whole schools, clubs and church groups to see it, even renting theaters for group showings," says Finn. "You can give the gift of LIFE this Christmas season by spreading the word about this life-saving movie!"

Amazing "Bella" site! Must see trailers, videos, reviews and interviews, including:

Tony Bennett praising "Bella"
Ryan Seacrest, American Idol, KISS FM
FOX News Neil Cavuto
Eduardo's Story (video)
Official Trailer
New TV spots
Steve McEveety, Exec. Producer
Smithsonian Awards
Latino Film Festival Awards
And much more...

Los Angeles Times story and White House photos

Theaters playing "Bella"

" Bella" Internship Opportunity:
Join the 2008 "Bella" Internship Program

FREE youth publication: Photos of Eduardo holding the baby he saved are featured in a FREE 32- page publication along with Eduardo's unique story about saving baby Eduardito, plus many other photos and stories of pro-life celebrities. To order FREE copies of, Call (310) 378-0067

Christian Newswire
To: National Desk
Contact: J.T. Finn, Publisher and, 310-378-0067

FREE youth publication: Photos of Eduardo holding the baby he saved are featured in a FREE 32-page publication along with Eduardo's unique story about saving baby Eduardito, plus many other photos and stories of pro-life celebrities. To order FREE copies of, Call (310) 378-0067

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