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Police Attack Pro-lifers In Shocking Display of Abuse

From: Operation Rescue
Sent: Monday, November 19, 2007 10:33 AM
Subject: Action Item: Police Attack Pro-lifers In Shocking Display of Abuse

Police Attack Pro-lifers In Shocking Display of Abuse

Rancho Cucamonga, CA - Three members of the Survivors were arrested on Tuesday, November 13, 2007, on Chaffey College campus in Rancho Cucamonga, California, in one of the most egregious displays of police misconduct that we have heard about in years.

The three young men, Joey Cox, and brothers James and Jason Conrad, were on campus to obtain permits for a pro-life outreach at the college. They had learned through many experiences to record their dealings for their protection. At Chaffey, the young men had both video and audio recorders running.

In this instance, college police objected to the taping. Without warning, and without identifying themselves as officers, Joey was attacked, shoved to the ground, and his audio recorder forcibly removed from his pocket. Joey saw the officers attempting to erase the recording.

The officers verbally abused and mocked the young men for their pro-life beliefs. To his disgrace, an officer named Tran called Joey a "retard." Joey was escorted off campus without charges at that time, however, his recorder and other property were never returned to him. He was given no receipt.

Jason and James were placed under arrest, cuffed, then roughed up by the officers, who made efforts to hide their actions from other Survivor members who were attempting to document what was happening. Officers endangered them by transporting them without seat belts and with full heaters blasting on a warm day with the purpose of causing additional physical discomfort. They were held for two days on felony "eavesdropping" charges, even though the videotaping was being done in a public place. Later the charges were reduced to misdemeanor charges of obstructing a police officer and disturbing the peace. Joey was charged with trespassing and released.

The three Survivors were doing nothing but attempting to arrange for a pro-life outreach within their First Amendment rights. In return, they were battered, bruised, abused, and robbed, in what seems like a clear case of bigotry and abuse of power.

Click here to watch video of the arrests. You will see the rough treatment and efforts by police to prevent any documentation of their actions.

Operation Rescue has often worked with the Survivors and we know these young men. We were so shocked to hear of their appalling treatment that we asked the Survivors what we could do to help.

They asked us all to make phone calls to the Chaffey College Police Department. Joey's audio recorder is still missing. It is unknown if the recording is still intact. Please ask them to return the audio recorder to Charles Cox (Joey's legal name), and feel free to voice your opinion as well.

Chaffey College Police Department
Phone number: (909) 652-6632


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