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Some Reasons we should Vote for Huckabee instead of Paul

Some Reasons we should Vote for Huckabee instead of Paul

Here are some reasons to get behind Huckabee from


For some reason, this year’s slot of Republicans has included a few surprisingly decent candidates, the like of which we have not seen in a long time. In fact, some of us have forgotten what a real conservative is like, after the Bushes, the Doles and the Fords. To hear candidates seriously discussing concepts like eliminating the IRS, and giving more than lip service to the pro-life cause, would have been inconceivable in the last presidential election.

However, some hard choices are going to have to be made and soon if we conservatives don’t want someone like Romney, Guiliani or Thompson to get the GOP nomination. Like it or not, we are going to have to unite behind one conservative candidate, capable of not only disposing of phonies like Romney or Guiliani, but also of going all the way to the White House in 2008.

Cong. Paul, that most venerable and courageous man, I say with great reluctance, will have to step out of the ring at some point. As much as his loyalty to the Constitution resonates with me and as much as I admire his reasonableness and integrity, I do not know if he has the ability to unite people in the way a President needs to. Also, while he is a brilliant formulator of policy and ideas, he simply does not strike me as having the skills required to handle the left-wing media, a skill which is so necessary to victory in November ‘08.

My recommendation for the great and heroic Cong. Paul: Chief of Staff or Secretary of State. What the heck, dissolve the Cabinet and put him in charge of every department in the federal government while you’re at it!

Whom are we left with? The man of the hour, of course, Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.
While many Catholics have seen Huckabee in the last debates and may have been favorably impressed by his eloquence and persuasive skill, they may not know his positions on all the issues.

A former Baptist minister and psychologist, Huckabee was the Governor of Arkansas for ten and a half years, the fourth Republican governor in that state since Reconstruction. Despite having a Democrat-controlled State Congress, he had a budget surplus when he left office this January and gave residents of Arkansas the first across-the board tax cut in Arkansas state history.

On the issue of the Iraq war, he has expressed his opposition to the Bush doctrine of "pre-emptive war," which has no basis in Catholic moral teaching. He advocates that U.S. troops in Iraq withdraw in a timely but not hasty manner. He has continually stressed the need for the nations in the Middle East to work together to solve the problems in their own region with little U.S. interference.

Among other innovative ideas, he was the first governor giving incentives for healthy living habits and mandated that Arkansas employees be allowed to take walking breaks. He has been the only candidate to talk of America’s obesity crisis and the need for health-care plans to include prevention and nutrition.

Economically, he has joined other presidential candidates Tancredo and Paul in their support of a so-called "Fair Tax," which will help us finally end the income tax and the class warfare the income tax has inspired. Huckabee has vowed to be the first American president to nail an "Out of Business" sign on the I.R.S.

Finally, his pro-life record: As a presidential candidate, he supports the type of abortion ban recently passed by Catholic South Dakota Governor Mike Rounds in 2006. In fact, South Dakota’s Gov. Mike Rounds has been active in Huckabee’s campaign. As governor of Arkansas, Huckabee passed as many restrictive measures on abortion as the Democrat-controlled state legislature and the Arkansas Supreme Court would allow: waiting period regulations, the presentation of information on the abortion procedure and medical side effects, parental and spousal consent laws, and fetal homicide laws.

Governor Huckabee is a candidate that every conservative Catholic American can support in good conscience. He is pro-life, pro-family, and pro-Christian values. He is also uniquely able to reach the hearts and minds of his listeners and is able to inspire people with a new and hopeful vision of America. As seen by the favorable reaction of the secular press, even from "hard-ballers" like Chris Matthews and Steve Colbert, he is able to find common ground with almost anyone and bring them to an understanding, if not agreement, with his views. These are skills the caliber of which has not been seen in a conservative candidate since Ronald Reagan.

Most important of all, Huckabee’s genuine convictions and sincere good will elevate him miles above the big phonies like Guiliani and Romney. It’s the strangest phenomenon: once Huckabee starts to speak, those slick, big-city sophisticates start looking kind of faded and worn-out, while the man in the plain brown suit and the friendly smile somehow grows taller and more solid-looking than ever.

As Catholics, let’s unite behind this inspiring and exceptional Christian man, or the next occupant of the White House will be an enemy of Catholic values. Catholic publications like The Wanderer and The National Catholic Register need to get behind this one candidate who can quickly and surely dispose of establishment-backed politicos like Guiliani and Romney. They need to have the political sophistication to realize that splitting the pro-life/pro-family vote is a formula for defeat in 2008.


James H said…
I totally agree. I am Catholic and I think Huckabee best shows those Catholic values
Fred Martinez said…
Thanks James. Pray for Huck.

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