Dear Kathleen,
It is an honor to interview you. Thank you for the courage you’ve shown through your whole ordeal. Here are the questions.
Fred Martinez
Questions for Kathleen Willey
There is overwhelming evidence that you and others bring out about the sexual abuse and sexual misuse of yourself, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Dolly Kaye Browning, Elizabeth Gracen, Monica Lewisnsky and others. Why are some liberal bloggers still claiming Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator?
As for Clinton’s sexual assault on you, the same liberal bloggers bring up Independent Counsel Robert Ray and Julie Steele who claim that you aren’t credible. Why are the claims of Steele and Ray about you not credible?
In your book “Target” you said “I believe Clinton would have raped me that day, just as, I believe, he raped Juanita Broadrick.” Do you believe that Clinton didn’t just sexually assault you, but committed attempted rape?
In “Target” you said Hillary “was cursing an aide with a very foul mouth. Then she would see somebody who mattered and instantly pour it on, all sweetness.” According to psychologist Martha Stout sociopaths “show sham emotions, but underneath they are indifferent to others’ suffering. They live to dominate.” Do you think Hillary and Bill are sociopaths?
You wrote this book “only to tell what I know about Hillary.” What the three things that you wish every voter had in their mind about Mrs. Clinton before they vote?
You quote Dick Morris saying “If you’re going to be a sexual predator, be pro-choice” reference to Bill Clinton. Why is abortion more important to feminists than protecting women from sexual predators?
Boxer Mike Tyson went to prison for rape. Do you think Clinton should have gone to prison for any or all of the following crimes?
-Raping Juanita Broadrick
-Sexually assaulting you and other women
-Witness intimidation
-Obstruction of justice
-His guilty verdict of the federal misdemeanor of releasing your private letters
Ex-Clinton friend Dick Morris called Hillary’s army of private investigators Clinton’s Secret Police. Your book says that you and others believe that it was Hillary’s goons who did the following:
-Intimidated witnesses
-“[W]oman after woman has been demonized by their [the Clinton’s] secret police” according to Dick Morris
-Threatened your children
-Threatened your friend’s children
-Took one of your cats and killed another
-Left an animal skull on your porch
-Said you were in danger
-Followed you
-Put numerous nails in your car wheels
-Hid under your deck in the middle of the night
-Did a Watergate-like break-in into your house in 2007 and took a manuscript of your book “Target”
If Hillary is elected President, do you think she is capable of even doing worst things?
David Schipper, chief investigative counsel for the House Judiciary Committee, recalled a priest came to see him after the impeachment who said he was an exorcist.
The priest said to him “There are satanic influences in the White House, and they all want you out of here.”
“Yes, Bill Clinton is a bad guy,” Schipper acknowledged.
“No, not him,” the priest said. “Her.”
Schipper in your book said he thinks Hillary “is evil.” What do you think?
I’ve written for Newsmax and The Conservative Monitor, but most of my work has been for Catholic publications. What do you think we should pray for when we pray for Bill and Hillary? What should we pray for in our next president?
Thank you,
It is an honor to interview you. Thank you for the courage you’ve shown through your whole ordeal. Here are the questions.
Fred Martinez
Questions for Kathleen Willey
There is overwhelming evidence that you and others bring out about the sexual abuse and sexual misuse of yourself, Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick, Dolly Kaye Browning, Elizabeth Gracen, Monica Lewisnsky and others. Why are some liberal bloggers still claiming Bill Clinton is not a sexual predator?
As for Clinton’s sexual assault on you, the same liberal bloggers bring up Independent Counsel Robert Ray and Julie Steele who claim that you aren’t credible. Why are the claims of Steele and Ray about you not credible?
In your book “Target” you said “I believe Clinton would have raped me that day, just as, I believe, he raped Juanita Broadrick.” Do you believe that Clinton didn’t just sexually assault you, but committed attempted rape?
In “Target” you said Hillary “was cursing an aide with a very foul mouth. Then she would see somebody who mattered and instantly pour it on, all sweetness.” According to psychologist Martha Stout sociopaths “show sham emotions, but underneath they are indifferent to others’ suffering. They live to dominate.” Do you think Hillary and Bill are sociopaths?
You wrote this book “only to tell what I know about Hillary.” What the three things that you wish every voter had in their mind about Mrs. Clinton before they vote?
You quote Dick Morris saying “If you’re going to be a sexual predator, be pro-choice” reference to Bill Clinton. Why is abortion more important to feminists than protecting women from sexual predators?
Boxer Mike Tyson went to prison for rape. Do you think Clinton should have gone to prison for any or all of the following crimes?
-Raping Juanita Broadrick
-Sexually assaulting you and other women
-Witness intimidation
-Obstruction of justice
-His guilty verdict of the federal misdemeanor of releasing your private letters
Ex-Clinton friend Dick Morris called Hillary’s army of private investigators Clinton’s Secret Police. Your book says that you and others believe that it was Hillary’s goons who did the following:
-Intimidated witnesses
-“[W]oman after woman has been demonized by their [the Clinton’s] secret police” according to Dick Morris
-Threatened your children
-Threatened your friend’s children
-Took one of your cats and killed another
-Left an animal skull on your porch
-Said you were in danger
-Followed you
-Put numerous nails in your car wheels
-Hid under your deck in the middle of the night
-Did a Watergate-like break-in into your house in 2007 and took a manuscript of your book “Target”
If Hillary is elected President, do you think she is capable of even doing worst things?
David Schipper, chief investigative counsel for the House Judiciary Committee, recalled a priest came to see him after the impeachment who said he was an exorcist.
The priest said to him “There are satanic influences in the White House, and they all want you out of here.”
“Yes, Bill Clinton is a bad guy,” Schipper acknowledged.
“No, not him,” the priest said. “Her.”
Schipper in your book said he thinks Hillary “is evil.” What do you think?
I’ve written for Newsmax and The Conservative Monitor, but most of my work has been for Catholic publications. What do you think we should pray for when we pray for Bill and Hillary? What should we pray for in our next president?
Thank you,