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"Mitt Romney is the Barak Obama of the Republican Party"

'No Mitt' campaign targets VP slot
'We can't support a McCain-Romney ticket,' coalition says

Posted: April 04, 2008
11:45 pm Eastern

© 2008 WorldNetDaily

Sen. John McCain addresses the Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington (WND photo)

Sen. John McCain needs to choose someone other than former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney as his vice-presidential candidate, says a coalition that has accused Romney of violating the state constitution and mocking the principle of limited government while governor.

The message is being proclaimed in new full-page newspaper advertisements that will begin running in locations where McCain will be campaigning, starting this weekend in Prescott, Ariz., according to the sponsors.

"With Mitt Romney on the ticket there could very well be enough social conservatives staying at home to allow a Barack Obama victory in the fall," said a statement from sponsor Government is Not God-PAC, run by William Murray.

Readers are being directed to a NoMittVP website, where they can express their opinions about Romney as a possible vice president.

Among the signatures on the ad is Paul Weyrich, founder of the Heritage Foundation and a supporter of Romney as little as a few months ago.

(Story continues below)

However, revelations about Romney's actions as Massachusetts government have terrified some conservatives about what he might do as president.

"Picking a running mate as dishonest, cynical and with so little regard for innocent human life, natural marriage and the binding force of constitutions as Mitt Romney would be a deal breaker for many, many voters," said John Haskins, who signed as an individual but works with the ParentsRightsCoalition and

"Mitt Romney is the Barak Obama of the Republican Party," he said.

The advertisement is listed as "An open letter to John McCain: NO Mitt."

"We are conservatives who believe strongly in the sanctity of human life and of marriage and we recognize that the issues at stake in this upcoming election are serious and profound. Indeed, we believe the very future of America's security, against threats both foreign and domestic, will be determined by whom America elects as president in November," the ad says. "Because we have invested our lives in securing a prosperous America that honors life and liberty, we must state our grave concerns regarding your pending choice of a running mate.

Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney tells the Conservative Political Action Conference he's suspending his run for the White House (WND photo)

"The unvarnished facts of Mitt Romney's record as governor of Massachusetts make him utterly unacceptable as a vice presidential running mate," the ad continues. "A very large (and growing) number of social conservative voters who have become aware of that record are likely to abandon a GOP presidential ticket on which Romney's name appears."

The ad cites Romney's "recent 'conversion' to conservative and pro-life principles," but called it not credible.

"To be clear, we all welcome anyone who has come around to the cause of life and family. However, Romney's actions as governor flatly contradict both the values widely associated with his faith as well as his pro-life and pro-traditional marriage campaign rhetoric," it continues.

The ad credits Romney for creating $50 taxpayer-subsidized abortions in Massachusetts.

"He claimed to be pro-life, but by establishing taxpayer-funded abortion on demand as a 'healthcare benefit' Romney achieved what no pro-abortion Massachusetts Democrat ever had!" the ad says.

The ad also condemns the creation of same-sex 'marriage' while Romney was governor.

"Governor Romney also claimed loudly to support traditional marriage. But he went far beyond the notorious Goodridge court opinion that, in brazen defiance of a state constitution which blocks judges from even hearing challenges to marriage law and policy, urged the Legislature to legalize homosexual 'marriage.'

"The Legislature never did…but Romney didn't wait. Fulfilling a backdoor campaign promise to the pro-homosexual Log Cabin Republicans, he illegally ordered justices of the peace to perform same-sex 'marriages' in direct violation of the Massachusetts Constitution and the Legislature's constitutionally binding statute. Is it any wonder we question his political character?" the ad says.

"When a chief executive can violate multiple articles of the oldest functioning constitution in the world and disobey statutes he solemnly swore to defend and execute faithfully, then blame judges who never even asked him to intervene, he mocks the principle of limited government and the separation of powers. He robs Americans of their unalienable right to self-government, for which so many soldiers, sailors and airmen have died," it says.

"Senator McCain, despite the proclamations of your surrogates we hope you will act to earn the support of the conservative grassroots in November, unite the Republican Party, and lead it to victory. However, Willard Mitt Romney is a deal breaker."

The signers included several dozen leaders, although their organizations were listed for identification purposes only:

Matt Barber, policy director for Concerned Women for America

Ted Baehr, author of Culture Wise Family

Michael W. Calsetta of Conservative Democratic Alliance

Brian Camenker, president of MassResistance

Janet Folger, president of Faith2Action

Gary Glenn, president of American Family Association of Michigan

Thomas Glessner, J.D., president of National Institute of Family and Life Advocates

James Hartline, publisher of California Christian News

John Haskins, of Parents' Rights Coalition and

Linda Harvey, president of Mission America

Michael Heath, executive director of Christian Civic League of Maine

Gregg Jackson., author and radio host

Judge Ned Kirby, former assistant minority leader, Massachusetts State Senate

Peter LaBarbera, president of Republicans for Family Values

Jan M. LaRue, Esq., of Jan LaRue Consulting

Dr. Scott Lively, Esq., president of Defend the Family International

William J. Murray, chairman of Religious Freedom Coalition

Troy Newman, president of Operation Rescue

John O’Gorman, board member of Massachusetts Citizens for Life

Sandy Rios, president of Culture Campaign

John Russo, president of Marriage and Family Massachusetts

Stephen Strang, chief executive officer of Strang Communications

Karen Testerman, executive director of Cornerstone Policy Research

Randy Thomasson, president of Campaign for Children and Families

Paul Weyrich, president of Free Congress Foundation

Philip Zodhiates, president of Response Unlimited, Inc.


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