Call Gov. Schwarzenegger's Office to Vote Against Same-sex Marriage
Friends, I just did it. It really did take 15 seconds from beginning to
See below. It's very quick.
You get to vote!
Call Gov. Schwarzenegger' office to vote against California Supreme Court's
decision on same-sex marriage:
1. call 1-916-445-2841
2. press 1, 5, 1, 1 (You need not wait for explanations)
Fully automated and NOT limited to CALIFORNIA voters.
After you've done this send it on to all supporters you know.
It couldn't be easier to vote... please take 15 seconds right now to
do it!
Friends, I just did it. It really did take 15 seconds from beginning to
See below. It's very quick.
You get to vote!
Call Gov. Schwarzenegger' office to vote against California Supreme Court's
decision on same-sex marriage:
1. call 1-916-445-2841
2. press 1, 5, 1, 1 (You need not wait for explanations)
Fully automated and NOT limited to CALIFORNIA voters.
After you've done this send it on to all supporters you know.
It couldn't be easier to vote... please take 15 seconds right now to
do it!