On August 27, author and philosopher Dr. Taylor Marshall on YouTube in
"Dr. Taylor Marshall ties together Vatican financial scandal with
homosexual activity" summarized what lead to Pope Benedict XVI's
resignation and Pope Francis's papacy:
If Archbishop Carlo Marie Vigano is telling the truth then it appears
that the Vatican gay lobby apparently forced Pope Benedict XVI's
resignation and it appears that Pope Francis has "reinstated and
promoted" all those who brought about the resignation.
Marshall stated:
"First of, Vigano blew the whistle on money laundering."
"Two, the accusations of money laundering leads to the Vatileaks scandal."
"Three, the Vatileaks scandal leads Benedict to form a secret investigation with three cardinals."
"Four, those three cardinals expose moral rot, sexual deviancy, that is paired up with financial irregularity."
"This is what moves the Pope to resignation. And just to make sure there
is enough pressure on him to do it and do it quick something funny goes
on with the Vatican Bank beginning on January 1, 2013."
"And it seems the powerful cardinals within Vatican City wanted it to
happen fast because they don't want the 300 page dossier released to the
public because there is moral scandal in those pages."
"That binder was left with Pope Francis, but nothing has been done. And
what we see is that those who were oppose to Benedict XVI theologically,
but also on administration, have been reinvolved, reinstated and
On The Sydney Morning Herald verified Marshall's explanation of why Pope Benedict XVI resigned:
"Pope Benedict XVI resigned after an internal investigation informed him
about a web of blackmail, corruption and gay sex in the Vatican,
Italian media reports say."
"Three cardinals were asked by Benedict to verify allegations of
financial impropriety, cronyism and corruption exposed in the so-called
VatiLeaks affair."
"... La Repubblica quoted a man described as "very close" to the authors as saying the information it contained was "all about the breach of the sixth and seven commandments" - which say "thou shalt not commit adultery" and 'thou shalt not steal.'"
"The secret report also delves into suspect dealings at the Institute for Religious Works (IOR), the Vatican's bank."
(The Sydney Morning Herald, "Vatican scandal cited in Pope resignation," February 22, 2013)
On January 26, 2012, the Business Insider verified Marshall's narrative showing that the Vatican insiders removed Vigano for attempting to clean up those involved with "financial irregularity" who were the gay lobby:
"The show "The Untouchables", on private television network La 7 Wednesday night showed several letters that Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano, the erstwhile deputy-governor of Vatican City, sent to superiors, including Pope Benedict, in 2011 about the corruption."
"... As deputy-governor of the Vatican City from 2009 to 2011, Vigano was the No. 2 official in a department responsible for maintaining the city-state's infrastructure."
"Soon after his appointment, Vigano discovered corruption, nepotism and cronyism, especially in the awarding of contracts to outside companies at inflated prices, which he sought to remedy."
"The TV program interviewed a member of the bankers' committee — whose face was blurred and voice changed to protect his identity — who said Vigano had a reputation as a "ballbreaker" among companies that had contracts with the Vatican, because of his emphasis on transparency and fair competition."
"... While Vigano turned Vatican City's budget from deficit to surplus during his tenure through cost-cutting, it made him some enemies, who had unsigned articles criticizing him as inefficient published in the Italian newspaper Il Giornale in 2011."
"On March 22, 2011, Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone removed Vigano from his position for reasons identical to those published in an anonymous articles published against him." [https://www.businessinsider.com/carlo-maria-vigano-vatican-corruption-2012-1]
On June 11, 2013, The Telegraph revealed that even Francis verified Marshall's report that there was a gay lobby tied to "financial irregularity":
"The Pontiff supposedly made the claim during an audience last Thursday at the Vatican with a group of Latin American priests and nuns."
Unfortunately, what The Telegraph didn't reveal or know is that Francis had been surrounded by a gay lobby as a cardinal in Argentina and surrounded himself with the gay lobby in the Vatican and in his "commission of eight [later nine] cardinals... to organise reform of the Curia" which is called the C9.
The Telegraph didn't know as Marshall put it that Francis "reinvolved, reinstated and promoted" the Vatican gay lobby:
The Catholic Argentinian website the Wanderer on October 23, 2014 posted "Unmasking Bergoglio":
"Bergoglio always had the "gay agenda" among his plans... It is a question of asking the Buenoairean clergy about the constant protection that he lavished on many homosexual priests."
"... Cardinal Bergoglio as Primate... of the Argentine Episcopal Conference... "[had a] "star"... of the Argentine Episcopate. The great theologian... of the poor [Archbishop Juan Carlos Maccarone]."
"Until... in March 2005 a video appeared in which the archbishop appeared having sexual games with a young man... Pope Benedict XVI... immediately removed [him from his]... position [as bishop]."
"The reaction of Bergoglio"
"By a letter that Maccarone himself directed in [to] his bother bishops, it can be easily deduced that the entire Argentine episcopal gang knew of his weakness... And, in spite of that, they promoted him to the episcopal office."
"... Bergoglio... issued a statement in which he expressed his 'gratitude' to the former bishop [Maccarone]."
"... The spokesman of the arzobipado porteno went out to say... the [sex] video corresponded to "the private life of Bishop Maccarone."
Jimmy Burns in his book "Francis, Pope of Good Promise" after referencing that "Maccarone resigned" because of the "videotape showing the bishop having 'intimate relations'" wrote:
"Bergoglio's own spokesman, rather than focus on Maccarone's political links with Kirchner, jumped to the bishop's defense claiming he had been set up."
"... Fortunato Millimaci, a Buenos Aires sociologist [said]... 'This means that the idea of the Catholic Church as a moral reference of a Catholic nation is very strongly in doubt... It shows that a double standard exists within the Church [of Bergoglio] itself.'" (Pages 231-232)
Francis's Vatican inner circle and C9 was largely composed of the gay lobby and those who covered-up for them:
Business Standard, September 19, 2017:
Francis's Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith perfect Archbishop Ferrer will go to trail for "complicity in alleged cover-up" of paedophile priest.
The Telegraph, July 19, 2013:
"Pope's [Francis's] 'eyes and ears' in Vatican bank [allegedly] 'had string of homosexual affairs'... [Battista] Ricca is a trusted confidante of the Pope"
LifeSiteNews, March 7,2018:
Francis's closest advisor in the C9 papal inner circle Cardinal Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga left in charge of his Honduras archdiocese his close confidant Bishop Juan Pineda "accused of 'abusing seminarians, having a string of male lovers.'"
National Catholic Reporter, April 29, 2014:
Francis's close advisor in C9 papal inner circle Cardinal "Errazuriz [and his]... successor... [Cardinal] Ezzati" "Chilean cardinals close to pope stained by abuse cover-ups" of priest sex abuser of Juan Carlos Cruz.
The Remnant, September 12, 2017:
Francis's confidant Cardinal Francesco Coccopalmerio's Secretary has homosexual orgy in Vatican:
"Secretary to the powerful Cardinal Francesco 'Positive Realities of Homosexuals'... [Coccopalmerio's Secretary] Capozzi was arrested for hosting a raucous drug fueled homosexual orgy."
New York Times, April 30, 2018:
"Cardinal George Pell, the [Francis] Vatican's third-highest-ranking official, will stand trail... of sex abuse."
BBC, August 29, 2010 & LifeSiteNews, September 16, 2017:
Francis collaborator invited by Pope to be number two representative in family synod "Belgian Cardinal Danneels condoned sex-abuse silence."
The Week, January 3, 2017:
"Pope Francis and his cardinal allies... known to interfere... on abuse cases... Consider case of [serial sex-abuser] Fr. Mauro Inzoli... Francis returned him to the priestly state."
Vebuumdei.blogspot, June 23, 2014 & Catholic Monitor, April 18, 2017:
Francis strolled hand in hand down the street with gay activist Fr. Luigi Ciotti at a anti-gangster event.
Chiesa, December 16, 2016:
Vatican expert Sandro Magister said Francis has a "number of homosexual priests in the inner circle of his closest collaborators and confidants."
Caucus99percent.com, 02/02/2018:
"Pope Francis' continuous aiding and abetting of sexual predators and his officials who protect them."
"Although he was personally informed of the accusations against them, Pope Francis protected these sexual predators: Fr. Mauro Inzoli (the pope later defrocked Inzoli but he is still a free man) Luis Fernando Figari, Archbishop Anthony Apuron, Auxiliary Bishop Gabino Miranda Melgarejo, Fr. Don Corradi and Archbishop Josef Wesolowski."
"After Pope Francis did nothing to stop Corradi, the priest and four others were arrested in November 2016 and charged with raping and molesting at least 22 children. More reports poured in and 'it’s now thought that as many as 60 children fell victim to abuse.'”
"Wesolowski was put under Vatican house arrest 14 months after the pope judged him to be guilty only after 'there was a serious risk that [he] would be arrested on Italian territory at the request of the Dominican Republic authorities and then extradited,' as reported by Corriere della Sera. The archbishop was found with more than 100,000 computer files of child pornography, a “key ingredient” in sex trafficking. Wesolowski continued to possess child pornography even under Vatican house arrest."
"Kamil Jarzembowski, a former student at the Vatican’s preseminary, wrote a letter about the sexual abuse of minors in the school and handed it directly to Pope Francis. The pope did nothing to stop it."
"Pope Francis had ordered an investigation of Honduran Bishop Juan José Pineda by an Argentine bishop who was “shocked” by “accounts of sexual abuse perpetrated against priests and seminarians …. So far the only action that has been taken has been to send Bishop Pineda to stay with Jesuits in Madrid on a short retreat,” wrote veteran Vatican reporter Edward Pentin."
"Pope Francis promoted Archbishop Luis Ladaria Ferrer as prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, the Vatican department that judges cases of clergy sexual abuse. While Ladaria held the second highest position in the CDF, he found Fr. Gianni Trotta guilty of sexually abusing minors in 2012 but failed to inform the Italian authorities. Trotta, already convicted of sexual violence against an 11-year-old and sentenced to eight years in prison by a civil court, is now standing trial for nine other alleged cases of sex abuse against boys that occurred in 2014. Ladaria, himself, will stand trial in April, accused by French authorities of “complicity in the alleged cover-up” of Fr. Bernard Preynat."
"A month after his election, the pope appointed a Council of Cardinals to help him govern the Church. Three of the eight initial members had protected pedophile priests: George Pell, Francisco Javier Errázuriz Ossa, and Oscar Rodriguez Maradiaga who he named as head of the council."
Moreover, The Telegraph didn't know that the head of Francis's C9 was involved in "financial irregularity" and that as Marshall outlined it "something funny" went on with the Vatican Bank and apparently with the gay lobby that was the Obama administration.
Obama's NSA spied on Benedict and Francis "before, during and after the Conclave" according to the website Eye Witness and the head of Francis's C9 called the "Vice Pope" was involved in "financial irregularity":
The ACD/EWI team specializes in economic warfare, purposeful interference in civilian infrastructure, including the financial markets, transnational criminal and terrorist organizations. ACD fellow Sahathevan said Pope Francis's closest collaborator has "an illegal slush fund financed by George Soro":
"Cardinal Oscar RodrÃguez Maradiaga, the so-called "Vice Pope" given his close association with Pope Francis, has refused to answer questions concerning his work with a number of NGOs funded by billionaire George Soros.Cardinal Oscar has also refused to answer queries concerning any funding he, or entities associated with him, may have received from Soros..."
"... It does appear as if the "Vice Pope" is on some campaign to change the Vatican from within, and that he is doing so with what amounts to an illegal slush fund financed by George Soros." (realpolitikasia.blogspot.com, "'Vice Pope' Cardinal Oscar RodrÃguez Maradiaga does not deny being funded by George Soros,and working with the 'Catholic Spring' movement ,"February 9, 2017),[https://acdemocracy.org/ourteam/], [http://realpolitikasia.blogspot.com.au/2017/02/vice-pope-cardinal-oscar-rodriguez.html?m=1]
Financial expert Sahathevan, also, reported that the most powerful official in Francis's Vatican, Secretary of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin, apparently knew that funds not appearing on "official balance sheets" could be illegal and he may be covering up illegal slush funds and asked Francis & Parolin to "come clean":
"As reported yesterday"
""Vice Pope" Cardinal Oscar RodrÃguez Maradiaga does not deny being funded by George Soros,and working with the "Catholic Spring " movement"
"In the above story it was concluded that Oscar appears to be in charge of a slush fund financed by George Soros, which is intended to be used for purposes Oscar sees fit, which may include financing of a 'Catholic Spring.'"
"While that story was the result of an independent investigation by this writer it does seem that the Vatican's Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy, Cardinal George Pell, may have uncovered the existence of similar financial structures, even if he did not quite understand what it is he had uncovered."
"In late 2014 Pell announced that he had 'discovered that ... some hundreds of millions of euros were tucked away in particular sectional accounts (of departments within the Vatican ) and did not appear on the Vatican's balance sheet.'
"What was even more interesting than that revelation was the reaction of the Vatican's Director of the Holy See Press Office, Fr. Federico Lombardi, S.J, presumably acting under instructions from the Vatican;s Secretary Of State Cardinal Pietro Parolin [another C9 cardinal]:"
'It should be observed that Cardinal Pell has not referred to illegal, illicit or poorly administered funds, but rather funds that do not appear on the official balance sheets of the Holy See or of Vatican City State, and which have become known to the Secretariat for the Economy during the current process of examination and revision of Vatican administration...'"
"This statement was curious for Pell did not actually say that the accounts were 'illegal.' If anything Pell seemed not to understand that financial entities of any sort often have secret reserves, In fact, Pell concluded with some satisfaction that his discovery meant that the Vatican was well able to finance its activities..."
"One source with a detailed knowledge of the issue told the Register the documentation omits $1.3 million that the Honduran government gave the archdiocese to be spent on Church projects."[http://m.ncregister.com/blog/edward-pentin/cardinal-maradiaga-denies-financial-allegations-but-questions-remain-unansw#.WnVUC3OIYwh]
What financial expert Sahathevan apparently didn't know was that Parolin and Pell were in a power struggle when he reported the above. Cardinal Pell was suppose to reform the Vatican corruption including the Secretary of State's finances.
Parolin according to the Catholic Herald in a "series of power struggles" ended the outside audit and Vatican financial reform "even before" Pell was forced to return to Australia on old sex-abuse allegations. ("How Cardinal Parolin won the Vatican civil war," November 9, 2017)
In the Pell power struggle shady and suspicious actions were taken by a employee of Parolin (Archbishop Angelo Becciu) on former Auditor General Libero Milone. The Auditor suspecting that he was being spied on brought in a external contractor who "determined" his computer was "infected with file copying spyware" according to LifeSiteNews.com in its September 28, 2017 article "Former Vatican auditor accused of spying says 'shady games' going on in Rome."
"In another report, from Al-Jazeera we read:
"Bergoglio ' had been a person of interest to the American secret services since 2005, according to Wikileaks' it said."
"The bugged conversations were divided into four categories: 'leadership intentions', 'threats to financial systems', 'foreign policy objectives' and 'human rights', it claimed."
"Why the American Secret Service considered Cardinal Bergoglio a person of interest for the past eight years is an interesting question although the Secret Service like all other US agencies is widely believed to have been corrupted, so it remains unclear as to how one should assess this piece of information or what it was about the activities of the Cardinal that prompted their extreme interest. Still it is curious to say the very least..."
"...But if the Conclave was compromised in some way (and even if it wasn't we do know that the NSA has been listening to electronic communications of high Churchmen in Rome and probably everywhere else) then this opens up a whole new avenue of inquiry." [http://theeye-witness.blogspot.com/2013/10/a-compromised-conclave.html?m=1]
One reason why the NSA could reasonably have been spying on Pope Benedict and Cardinal Bergoglio who would become Pope Francis at that conclave could be that the spy agency was corrupted by the Obama administration.
It is not unreasonable to assume that the pro-gay administration wanted Bergoglio to replace Benedict.
Benedict's agenda put anti-gay and moral pro-family issues as top priorities while Francis gives lip services to those issues, but sees them as secondary to his agenda which is almost identical to the pro-gay Obama administration and Soros agendas on issues such as the gay agenda, global warming and unrestricted mass immigration (See: http://catholicmonitor.blogspot.com/2017/12/the-dark-lord-soros-his-servant-white_27.html?m=1).
Zero Hedge shows that NSA became a servant of the Democrat's agenda and it's FISA abuses:
"Donald Trump must veto reauthorized NSA spying powers which passed both the House and the Senate yesterday without a single reform, in light of an explosive four-page memo said to detail sweeping FISA Abuses by the FBI, DOJ and the Obama Administration during and after the 2016 presidential election, says former NSA contractor and whistleblower Edward Snowden." [https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-19/snowden-trump-must-veto-reauthorized-nsa-spying-powers-light-fisa-memo]
Another reason is related to the first reason for the spying is that the Democrats and some liberal Republicans are funded by Soros who is pushing unrestricted mass immigration:
"There does indeed seem to be a “hidden Soros Slush Fund” in the Democratic Party’s official platform, as commentator Michelle Malkin recently pointed out... Malkin suggests that Obama’s rival for the White House, John McCain, hasn’t criticized the slush fund proposal because his Reform Institute received $150,000 from the Open Society Institute." [https://capitalresearch.org/article/the-hidden-soros-slush-fund/]
The final reason for the spying, and the word could needs to be stressed, could be Democrat slush funds and financial improprieties in the Vatican Bank if the following report is true which can't be verified which brings us back to Sahathevan's call to Parolin and Francis to "come clean" as was attempted by Benedict:
"The following was reported by Bob Chapman in the International Forecaster blog. Chapman has been around forever and is well respected in many circles. He does not mention his source for the information..."
There was a blackmail of Benedict XVI, coming from who knows where, through SWIFT. The underlying reasons for this have not been clarified, but it is clear that SWIFT has intervened directly in the management of affairs of the Church..."
"...It strikes me as interesting that more attention isn’t being paid to the role played by Ronaldo Hermann Schmitz, the acting President of the IOR [Vatican Bank] Board at the time, given his ties to Deutsche Bank."
"I mean, one would think that the former Deutsche Bank Executive Director, even if unable to leverage his contacts within the German banking giant to forestall such a drastic move, would have at the very least been well aware of what was coming and could have perhaps taken steps to secure the services of another financial institution, as happened in short order soon afterwards."
"This leads me to wonder where Ronaldo Hermann Schmitz’s own interests may have lied as this was taking place."
"Let me be clear; I have no information implicating Schmitz in any nefarious activity; I am simply making common sense observations and asking questions that, curiously enough, have apparently never been addresses by those in the media; in spite of the extensive coverage these events received."
"In any case, one is still left to wonder what motivated Gotti Tedeschi’s removal."
"Given that the reform of the IOR [Vatican Bank], for all intents and purposes, was all but halted while interim President Schmitz acted as caretaker until a new President could be found, one might assume that this interruption alone was the primary motive."
"It seems rather clear for reasons addressed below, however, that the motive went well beyond simply protecting the interests of those whose financial improprieties Gotti Tedeschi was laboring to uncover, making it seem far more likely Gotti Tedeshi’s demise was undertaken in order to set in motion the events that would secure the abdication of the man who appointed him."
"Circumstantial evidence strongly attesting to this being the case can be found in the fact that the Vatican reached an agreement with a Swiss firm to resume ATM and other bank card transactions effective February 12, 2013, just one day after Benedict XVI announced his intention to abdicate.
Indeed, as far as I can tell, nothing of note had changed between the cessation of bank card operations on January 1st and their resumption on February 12th relative to the Vatican Bank’s compliance with international banking standards. Rather, the only noteworthy thing to change was the status of Benedict’s pontificate."
"Further evidence suggesting that the motives for Gotti Tedeschi’s removal extended beyond mere financial concerns." [https://akacatholic.com/money-sex-and-modernism/]
All Catholics need to know the answers to the following questions asked to President Donald Trump in a open letter about the conclave of Pope Francis and if financial blackmail possibly was involved in the Pope Benedict XVI abdication and Francis's election:
- To what end was the National Security Agency monitoring the conclave that elected Pope Francis? [6]
- What other covert operations were carried out by US government operatives concerning the resignation of Pope Benedict or the conclave that elected Pope Francis?
- Did US government operatives have contact with the “Cardinal Danneels Mafia”? [7]
- International monetary transactions with the Vatican were suspended during the last few days prior to the resignation of Pope Benedict. Were any U.S. Government agencies involved in this? [8]
- Why were international monetary transactions resumed on February 12, 2013, the day after Benedict XVI announced his resignation? Was this pure coincidence? [9]
- What actions, if any, were actually taken by John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, and others tied to the Obama administration who were involved in the discussion proposing the fomenting of a “Catholic Spring”?
- What was the purpose and nature of the secret meeting between Vice President Joseph Biden and Pope Benedict XVI at the Vatican on or about June 3, 2011?
- What roles were played by George Soros and other international financiers who may be currently residing in United States territory? [10]
We believe that the very existence of these unanswered questions provides sufficient evidence to warrant this request for an investigation.
Should such an investigation reveal that the U.S. government interfered inappropriately into the affairs of the Catholic Church, we further request the release of the results so that Catholics may request appropriate action from those elements of our hierarchy who remain loyal to the teachings of the Catholic Church.
Please understand that we are not requesting an investigation into the Catholic Church; we are simply asking for an investigation into recent activities of the U.S. Government, of which you are now the chief executive.
Thank you again, and be assured of our most sincere prayers.
David L. Sonnier, LTC US ARMY (Retired)
Michael J. Matt, Editor of The Remnant
Christopher A. Ferrara (President of The American Catholic Lawyers Association, Inc.)
Chris Jackson, Catholics4Trump.com
Elizabeth Yore, Esq., Founder of YoreChildren"
1. https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/6293
5. https://www.donaldjtrump.com/press-releases/donald-j.-trump-response-to-the-pope
6. http://theeye-witness.blogspot.com/2013/10/a-compromised-conclave.html
7. http://www.ncregister.com/blog/edward-pentin/cardinal-danneels-part-of-mafia-club-opposed-to-benedict-xvi
8. http://www.maurizioblondet.it/ratzinger-non-pote-ne-vendere-ne-comprare/
9. https://akacatholic.com/money-sex-and-modernism/
10. http://sorosfiles.com/soros/2013/03/soros-funded-catholic-groups-behind-african-socialist-as-next-pope.html [https://www.remnantnewspaper.com/web/index.php/articles/item/3001-did-vatican-attempt-to-influence-u-s-election-catholics-ask-trump-administration-to-investigate]
Note: What is needed right now to save America from those who would destroy our God given rights is to pray at home or in church and if called to even go to outdoor prayer rallies in every town and city across the United States for God to pour out His grace on our country to save us from those who would use a Reichstag Fire-like incident to destroy our civil liberties. [Is the DC Capital Incident Comparable to the Nazi Reichstag Fire Incident where the German People Lost their Civil Liberties?: http://catholicmonitor.blogspot.com/2021/01/is-dc-capital-incident-comparable-to.html?m=1 and Epoch Times Show Crossroads on Capital Incident: "Anitfa 'Agent Provocateurs'":
Note: Please put the Church, America,