St. Francis de Sales: "We Place our Trust in the Holy Word, which Promises Perpetuity to the Church... the Church... shall not Fail"
Doctor of the Church St. Francis de Sales:
"We place our trust in the Holy Word, which promises perpetuity to the Church.."
"... It is written that the revolt and speration must come (2 These. ii
3), and the sacrifice shall cease (Dan. xii. 11), and that the Son of
Man shall hardly find faith on the earth... afflictions which antichrist
will cause in the Church... but in spite of this the Church during the
three years shall not fail."
(The Catholic Controversy, By St Francis de Sales, Page 62)
"[E]ven now there are many Antichrists."
- John 2:18
Pray for the grace of deep faith, hope and charity and despite the present darkness never forget:
"[T]he Church... shall not fail."
Note: Please put the Church and America in the following Prayer of Command intention against the "satanic forces" unleashed against it:
Prayer of Command of Exorcist Fr. Chad Ripperger: