Flashback: Is the Coronavirus Manipulated Panic a Dry Run for a Francis Globalist Leftist Nazi-like Police State?
In Italy and the United States, all schools are closed.
In Italy and the United States, Masses are being suspended by the leftist state and local governments and their collaborators who are the Antichrist-like Francis bishops.
(St. Robert Bellarmine said that during the time of the Antichrist "public sacrifice... shall completely cease.")
In Italy where the Francis approved federal government is controlled by the leftist's parties one can be charged with murder for supposedly being a Coronavirus spreader.
In the Francis approved Italian regime there is Nazi-like martial law where all movement on foot or by car must be "justified by... documents" and 6pm curfew.
(The Now Word: Reflections on Our Times, "The Point of No Return," By Mark Mallett, March 12, 2020)
In the United States, 70% of millennials say they would vote for a Socialist regime takeover of our country by the likes of Bernie Sanders who admires Fidel Castro's totalitarianism.
In Nazi Germany, it apparently was the German youth who favored the National Socialist takeover of Germany.
Adolf Hitler said "Whoever has the youth has the future."
Hitler wanted a one-world government so he inspired the Hitler National Socialist youth and others with scare tactic misinformation about the Jews to create a culture of panic.
The leftist global elite and Francis want a one-world government so they are inspiring Socialist youth and others with scare tactic information about the Coronavirus to create a culture of panic.
The New American wrote that Francis called for a "global government":
"Pope Francis... [is] claiming that planetary problems are exacerbated by 'an excessive demand for sovereignty on the part of the States'... Our only hope for planetary peace and progress... [is] supplanting the 'state interest' with the will of the United Nations, he stated."
(The New American, "Pope Francis calls for End of Sovereignty and Establishment of Global Government," May 9, 2019)
Remember that Francis's close collaborator Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo said that the Communist police state of China is the "best [at] implementing the social doctrine of the Church" as interpreted by him and apparently Francis who never distanced himself from Sorondo or his totalitarian position.
(National Catholic Register, "Praise of China's Adherence to Catholic Social Doctrine Flies in the Face of Facts," February 9, 2018)
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate of Mary.
In Italy and the United States, Masses are being suspended by the leftist state and local governments and their collaborators who are the Antichrist-like Francis bishops.
(St. Robert Bellarmine said that during the time of the Antichrist "public sacrifice... shall completely cease.")
In Italy where the Francis approved federal government is controlled by the leftist's parties one can be charged with murder for supposedly being a Coronavirus spreader.
In the Francis approved Italian regime there is Nazi-like martial law where all movement on foot or by car must be "justified by... documents" and 6pm curfew.
(The Now Word: Reflections on Our Times, "The Point of No Return," By Mark Mallett, March 12, 2020)
In the United States, 70% of millennials say they would vote for a Socialist regime takeover of our country by the likes of Bernie Sanders who admires Fidel Castro's totalitarianism.
In Nazi Germany, it apparently was the German youth who favored the National Socialist takeover of Germany.
Adolf Hitler said "Whoever has the youth has the future."
Hitler wanted a one-world government so he inspired the Hitler National Socialist youth and others with scare tactic misinformation about the Jews to create a culture of panic.
The leftist global elite and Francis want a one-world government so they are inspiring Socialist youth and others with scare tactic information about the Coronavirus to create a culture of panic.
The New American wrote that Francis called for a "global government":
"Pope Francis... [is] claiming that planetary problems are exacerbated by 'an excessive demand for sovereignty on the part of the States'... Our only hope for planetary peace and progress... [is] supplanting the 'state interest' with the will of the United Nations, he stated."
(The New American, "Pope Francis calls for End of Sovereignty and Establishment of Global Government," May 9, 2019)
Remember that Francis's close collaborator Bishop Marcelo Sanchez Sorondo said that the Communist police state of China is the "best [at] implementing the social doctrine of the Church" as interpreted by him and apparently Francis who never distanced himself from Sorondo or his totalitarian position.
(National Catholic Register, "Praise of China's Adherence to Catholic Social Doctrine Flies in the Face of Facts," February 9, 2018)
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate of Mary.