“Villains of the Republic”: Pence-Judas Sixpence, Barr-BarrStool, Tucker Carlson-Tuckster, Romney-Minion...
Villains of the Republic: Pence-Judas Sixpence, Barr-BarrStool, Tucker Carlson-Tuckster, Romney-Minion, Mitch-Yertie, Jeb Bush-Yeb...
A couple days ago, Steven Mosher of LifeSiteNews said that the "list of 'Villains of the Republic' is growing longer":
"The list of “Villains of the Republic” is growing longer as well. Among these will be the several Republican senators, led by Mitt Romney, who have declared that “The voters have spoken, and Congress must now fulfill its responsibility to certify the election results.” One wonders what “voters” they are talking about—the ones who voted from beyond the grave? the ones who never existed at all? or perhaps those lucky ones whose ballots were fed into the tabulation machines and counted three or four times?" [https://www.lifesitenews.com/blogs/there-will-be-a-constitutional-rumble-on-wednesday]
Pray an Our Father now for the grace to know God's Will and to do it.
Pray an Our Father now for the United States of America and President Donald Trump.
"THE HOLY ROSARY, MOST POWERFUL WEAPON AGAINST THE ENEMY OF GOD AND MAN... Saint Pius V ordered the faithful to recite the Rosary to impetrate victory from God in the epic battle of the Christian Armada against the Turk in the waters of Lepanto: still today, at noon each day, the bells ring in our cities to recall [the victory of] October 7, 1571... Let us pray for the United States of America; let us pray for our President; let us pray for his victory, that the Lord God of Hosts – Dominus Deus Sabaoth –will grant that he may know how to place himself under God’s protection." - Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò