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Covington Kids II: Media False Narrative, Complicit "Conservatives" & Leftist DC Police Operation that apparently Killed Unarmed Woman


So did the DC Capitol Police kill just one unarmed woman? Or were the other three people who died from "medical emergencies" killed by them too? ... And will the cop-hating left hold mass rallies against the cops for killing an unarmed woman? []

It appears that there is more and more evidence that the protesters which apparently included Antifa types and anti-Trumpers were invited inside the "US Capitol during a joint session of Congress. The peaceful outside Trump protesters who stopped vandalism were then attacked by the "DC Capitol Police" with tear gas and the police apparently "kill... one unarmed woman." 

Then the media gave the false narrative that the building was "stormed." Finally, as happened with the Covington kids false narrative the complicit "conservatives" joined the hi-tech lynch mob against the peaceful Trump protesters. 

Let's look at the evidence:

Were they invited inside the "US Capitol during a joint session of Congress?":

"How is it that a crowd armed with flags and cellphones can seize control of the US Capitol during a joint session of Congress? Easily, with almost no resistance, save for the girl shot in the neck?"

"Were police with tactical gear and long guns overtaken, or were the protesters told they would be allowed access? Indeed, were they invited inside? Watch the first five seconds of this over and over." - non veni pacem -The Splendor of Truth website (Click to view:]

Even leftist Glenn Greenwald, who is a co-founder of the leftist Intercept new outlet, appears to think it was possibly an inside staged job:

How have hundreds of billions upon hundreds of billions of dollars been spent in the name of security since 9/11, along with the deployment of drones and surveillance tech, yet a few hundred protestors can so easily breach the Capitol, just waltzing in and taking it over?
Gateway Pundit reported "It is likely that they weren’t all Trump supporters.  In fact, some of them may have been there to paint President Trump and his followers as violent (which they aren’t)":
Who were those people inside the Capital today?  It is likely that they weren’t all Trump supporters.  In fact, some of them may have been there to paint President Trump and his followers as violent (which they aren’t).

We reported in a prior post that a retired FBI Agent reported that Antifa was at today’s event in Washington DC: "Via investigative reporter Paul Sperry: Former FBI agent on the ground at U.S. Capitol just texted me and confirmed that at least 1 “bus load” of Antifa thugs infiltrated peaceful Trump demonstrators as part of a false Trump flag ops" []

One individual in the Capital was spotted at a BLM event this summer but he was reportedly holding a QAnon poster.  Was he QAnon related or BLM related or something else?  We don’t know.  This guy was sitting in the Speaker’s chair this afternoon per our earlier reporting.  He wasn’t wearing a shirt despite it being nearly freezing outside...

...  Others reported that Baked Alaska and Nick Fuentes were in the Speaker’s Office...

...  Baked Alaska” was a Trump supporter in 2016, but then he turned on Trump.  He somehow found himself in the Speaker’s office in the Capital today with controversial activist Nick Fuentes. There were a number of characters in the capital today.  At least one individual in the Capital had a communist tattoo on his hand – not something a Trump supporter would likely have...

... One analysis of today’s events suggests:

… that this was anything other than a setup to destroy and discredit the Trump movement.  It fits with the information and psychological warfare operations which have been conducted against Donald Trump and the American people since Trump declared his candidacy.

Others point out that this was the 3rd time Trump supporters have gathered in Washington DC since the November election with no violence until today.  Also, why was Antifa not attacking Trump supporters like they always do?  Is it because they infiltrated the event?

Big Media and Big Tech are shaming Trump supporters tonight.  They want to shame Trump supporters for speaking out about the horribly corrupt stolen election!

What is clear is that there were a number of bad apples at the event today who may have been there, not to protest, but to place Trump supporters in a bad light.

(Update – We reported in our post yesterday that the Washington Times used XRVision to report that at least one individual in the Capital yesterday was from Anitifa.  We contacted XRVision and XRVision did not make this accusation.) []

Finally, here is the Catholic Monitor Covington Kids post of
Covington Teen-age Heroes: Evil CNN's Hate Crime & their Complicit "Conservative Pro-life" Hi-tech Lynch Mob 
CNN committed a hate crime against the pro-life Covington High School kids which is evil.

CNN covered-up the hate crimes:

- Of a Native American man Nathan Phillips banging his drum inches from the face of a Catholic pro-life teen-ager while his Native group made racist remarks.

- Of a Black hate adult group who called the pro-life kids "fags" and other unspeakable names including calling Black pro-life teens with the Catholic group "niggers."

CNN lied about the hate crimes of the Native American and Black hate groups by pretending that the insulted and harassed pro-life kids were "mocking" the aggressors by heroically smiling in the face of insult and intimidation.

CNN is shameless. Today, it is still lying:

"The Covington Catholic High School students were... mocking Phillips."
(CNN, "White House expresses 'support' for Covington Catholic students," January 22, 2019)

CNN is well known for its hatred of Christianity, the pro-life movement and conservatives as well as for its lying.

So, there is no excuse for the so-called "conservative pro-life" mob that included the National Review, Rod Dreher, the March for Life president and the many others who were part of the hi-tech lynch mob.

They were complicit in the CNN hate crime that has put the innocent pro-life kids lives in danger

Shame on you.

If you are Catholic you need to go to confession for your hate crime.

CNN for your hate crime against the Covington kids' Catholicism as well as for their pro-life and conservative convictions you need to apologize and stop lying.



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