"I believe in Coronavirus almighty. The creator of lockdown on earth
which was conceived of the unholy fear of it and borne of the fear of
it. It suffered under a bunch of lies about it. It stupefied and was
gloried. It descended into the earth. It ascended into the presidential
thrones where they shall judge the banning of Masses and the Coronavirus
"I believe in Amoris Laetitia, the communion of adulterers, Francis's representation of the globalist teachings which is embodied in the climate change gospel, a one-world government and the goddess mother earth everlasting."
I wrote this ecumenical creed with the hope it will help the Francis traditionalists and the Francis liberals to unite in their common belief in the Coronavirus almighty.
While it is well know that virus traditionalists like Steve Skojec, Tim Gordon and all the virus trads feel uncomfortable with the part of the creed about the climate change gospel and the communion of adulterers, they must endure this temporary discomfort.
They must remember that they agree with the Francis liberals in the part of the creed about the Coronavirus almighty, the banning of Masses and that anyone who dies even if they didn't have the virus can be added to the sacred virus death toll so that it can keep the unholy fear of it going everlasting.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
"I believe in Amoris Laetitia, the communion of adulterers, Francis's representation of the globalist teachings which is embodied in the climate change gospel, a one-world government and the goddess mother earth everlasting."
I wrote this ecumenical creed with the hope it will help the Francis traditionalists and the Francis liberals to unite in their common belief in the Coronavirus almighty.
While it is well know that virus traditionalists like Steve Skojec, Tim Gordon and all the virus trads feel uncomfortable with the part of the creed about the climate change gospel and the communion of adulterers, they must endure this temporary discomfort.
They must remember that they agree with the Francis liberals in the part of the creed about the Coronavirus almighty, the banning of Masses and that anyone who dies even if they didn't have the virus can be added to the sacred virus death toll so that it can keep the unholy fear of it going everlasting.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Mass and the Church as well as for the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of the Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.