If the President Donald Trump Wall is not build then the one party
pro-death state of California will spread like a disease to rest of the
United States.
We see the post-Reagan amnesty Hispanic immigrants voting in Democrat abortion and gay extremists who claim murder of the unborn children and homosexual perversion is the highest good.
If the United States becomes like California then the Democrat's one party Venezuela-like regime will gain power over all persons of faith in the God of the Bible.
Then as in California we will began to live in a Stalinist or Nazi-like regime that outlaws Christianity. Like Stalin and Hitler they claim evil is good.
Christians, in the future, who want to raise their children in the sexual morality of the faith or want to stop the murder of unborn babies must be jailed for the “hate crimes" against the one party state in this regime.
These post-Reagan Latino immigrants want to bring the Democrat regime into power. They are like crazy people who want to destroy their new country.
We must demand the Wall so the anti-Christian regime doesn't come into power by changing the Christian pro-life demographics of the voters of the USA.
If the Latin American immigrants whom President Ronald Reagan granted amnesty and the illegal immigrants who followed them into California had voted for pro-life and pro-family candidates, I would be the first in line saying bring in more legal immigrants.
But the vast majority of them have voted for abortion and homosexuality. It appears they want their children to be taught abortion and homosexuality in the public schools.
Moreover, they appear to want a failed state similar to Venezuela for their children's future as Washington Examiner writer Jared Whitley graphically shows:
"California is responsible for pulling the Democrats so far left they’re no longer Democrats, and without California, the Democrats’ presence on the national level disappears. Without California, Trump goes from losing the popular vote by 3 million to winning it by 1.5 million."
"Without California, the current Republican edge in the House of Representatives almost doubles. California is the only thing keeping the Democratic Party alive, but it’s also the thing that’s killed the Democratic Party."
"With no grown-ups in Sacramento to say 'Hey, wait a minute,' California has abandoned the virtues of liberalism and replaced them with the totalitarian drumbeat of progressivism. And the sparkling, golden example of the failure of progressive politics is California itself."
"Because California is a disaster."
"Despite the insistence that so-called progressives can solve income inequality, California boasts the worst income inequality in the country. U.S. News & World Report ranked it dead last for quality of life. In the last 10 years, 1 million more people fled the state than moved in from other states. It has somehow managed to accrue $2 trillion in debt — about one-tenth of the federal government's entire debt, including the cost of all the wars we’ve ever fought."
"And they call this "progress"? Can the word "progress" sue California for defamation of character?"
"Drill down and it gets even worse: Los Angeles is a nightmare of gang violence, homelessness, and pollution — a New York Times op-ed aptly compared it to a third-world country."
"Meanwhile, San Francisco boasts California’s worst instance of income inequality, has vanquished the biological urge to procreate, and is literally covered in poop."
We see the post-Reagan amnesty Hispanic immigrants voting in Democrat abortion and gay extremists who claim murder of the unborn children and homosexual perversion is the highest good.
If the United States becomes like California then the Democrat's one party Venezuela-like regime will gain power over all persons of faith in the God of the Bible.
Then as in California we will began to live in a Stalinist or Nazi-like regime that outlaws Christianity. Like Stalin and Hitler they claim evil is good.
Christians, in the future, who want to raise their children in the sexual morality of the faith or want to stop the murder of unborn babies must be jailed for the “hate crimes" against the one party state in this regime.
These post-Reagan Latino immigrants want to bring the Democrat regime into power. They are like crazy people who want to destroy their new country.
We must demand the Wall so the anti-Christian regime doesn't come into power by changing the Christian pro-life demographics of the voters of the USA.
If the Latin American immigrants whom President Ronald Reagan granted amnesty and the illegal immigrants who followed them into California had voted for pro-life and pro-family candidates, I would be the first in line saying bring in more legal immigrants.
But the vast majority of them have voted for abortion and homosexuality. It appears they want their children to be taught abortion and homosexuality in the public schools.
Moreover, they appear to want a failed state similar to Venezuela for their children's future as Washington Examiner writer Jared Whitley graphically shows:
"California is responsible for pulling the Democrats so far left they’re no longer Democrats, and without California, the Democrats’ presence on the national level disappears. Without California, Trump goes from losing the popular vote by 3 million to winning it by 1.5 million."
"Without California, the current Republican edge in the House of Representatives almost doubles. California is the only thing keeping the Democratic Party alive, but it’s also the thing that’s killed the Democratic Party."
"With no grown-ups in Sacramento to say 'Hey, wait a minute,' California has abandoned the virtues of liberalism and replaced them with the totalitarian drumbeat of progressivism. And the sparkling, golden example of the failure of progressive politics is California itself."
"Because California is a disaster."
"Despite the insistence that so-called progressives can solve income inequality, California boasts the worst income inequality in the country. U.S. News & World Report ranked it dead last for quality of life. In the last 10 years, 1 million more people fled the state than moved in from other states. It has somehow managed to accrue $2 trillion in debt — about one-tenth of the federal government's entire debt, including the cost of all the wars we’ve ever fought."
"And they call this "progress"? Can the word "progress" sue California for defamation of character?"
"Drill down and it gets even worse: Los Angeles is a nightmare of gang violence, homelessness, and pollution — a New York Times op-ed aptly compared it to a third-world country."
"Meanwhile, San Francisco boasts California’s worst instance of income inequality, has vanquished the biological urge to procreate, and is literally covered in poop."
"California wants to save the world from Trump, but maybe it could start by saving California first."
A piece in the Guardian once speculated that California might become 'America’s first failed state.'"
California has become a failed state like Venezuela with "1 million" citizens fleeing the one party pro-death regime.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church. Please, pray an Our Father now for President Trump and our country now because this is the important fork in the road for the United States. Please, keep this intentions in your prayers.
A piece in the Guardian once speculated that California might become 'America’s first failed state.'"
California has become a failed state like Venezuela with "1 million" citizens fleeing the one party pro-death regime.
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church. Please, pray an Our Father now for President Trump and our country now because this is the important fork in the road for the United States. Please, keep this intentions in your prayers.