PJ media reported:
I am not alone among conservatives when I admit that I am no fan of author Michael Wolff. I loathed him and wrote a hit piece when he disparaged President Trump in his last book, Fire and Fury. But Wolff brings to light two purported revelations about the 2020 election in his new book that, to the extent that they are true, bode ill for conservative media’s flagship network and establishment Republicanism.
The first assertion in just-released Landslide is that Fox News, spearheaded by the vitriol of Rupert Murdoch, threw Trump under the electoral bus at the eleventh hour as votes in Arizona were being counted.
Fox News has vehemently denied this.
The second troubling truth is that in an internal Republican National Committee email, RNC chief counsel Justin Riemer pointedly questioned Trump’s concerns about election integrity, in effect calling out any Republican who shared those concerns. The overarching inference of the communique is that high-echelon members of the RNC showed their true colors as operatives interested more in out-of-power fundraising than in keeping our best president since Reagan in power.
Surprisingly, in the face of the undeniable existence of the email, the RNC has vehemently denied this. But in an on-air segment, after seeing the email, Newsmax TV host Grant Stinchfield said, to paraphrase, that despite his reservations about Wolff’s reportorial ethics, it “seems to be true.” Trump campaign lead counsel Jenna Ellis, who received the email while at dinner with several RNC staffers, has left the Republican Party as a result.
There’s a sense of a troubling entrenchment on the right suggesting
that former conservative behemoth FNC and the braintrust of the GOP no
longer consider the best interests and choices of the American people a
top priority. For close watchers of the political scene, the potential
revelations here may seem like the observations of Captain Obvious. But
if it is true that both Fox News and the RNC heatedly or cynically
abandoned Mr. Trump when he needed them most, the truth of these
abandonments must be communicated writ large to millions of voters who
are still wondering, in the wake of 2020, what the hell happened. [https://pjmedia.com/columns/mark-ellis/2021/08/06/are-michael-wolffs-troubling-revelations-about-fox-news-and-the-rnc-true-n1467685]