Back on October 25, 2019, LifeSiteNews reported the words of Francis:
"I would like to say a word about the pachamama statues that were removed from the Church of Traspontina."
(LifeSiteNews, "Full transcript of the Pope's comments on pagan 'Pachamama' statues," October 25, 2019)
The National Catholic Register's contributing writer Dave Armstrong
(according to the journalism website is in a dilemma
because either he is calling his beloved Francis a liar or he is saying
statues which Francis called "the pachamama statues" are not what he
called them, but instead "a strong case can be made that the naked
images "represent the [naked] Blessed Virgin Mary":
"There is a strong case to be made that they [the naked images Francis
called "pachamama statues"] represent the [naked] Blessed Virgin Mary."
(, "'Pachamama' [?] Statues: Marian Veneration or Blasphemy Idolatry?," November 5, 2019)
How dare the so-called pro-family National Catholic Register have a
writer who claims the naked images Francis called "pachamama statues"
can by "a strong case to be... [naked images of] the Blessed Virgin
Maybe someone needs to organize a Catholic boycott of the National Catholic Register.
The Catholic Monitor commenter Richard W Comerford had this to say about Armstrong and his collaborator Mark Shea:
Unknown said…
Once Mr Mark Shea (who was booted by the Register) and Mr Armstrong both wrote inspiring Catholic works. Both were unflinchingly pro-life. Then something happened?
Messrs. Shea and Armstrong now appear to hold the ordinary pew-sitters in contempt. Mr Shea, once my hero, seems to have adopted the Democrat party platform.
What a waste! Hopefully i have misjudged the situation and am wrong.
God bless
Richard W Comerford []