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Have "Conservative" Francis Catholics Lost their "Faith [while]... Unaware of the Fact"?

 "The Church... cannot... in any way... approval of homosexual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual unions." - Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger"

"On June 3, 2003 the then Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (and future Pope Benedict XVI), head of the Congregation for the Faith, said that the endorsement of  "homosex civil unions" was against Catholic teaching, that is heterodoxy:

'Those who would move from tolerance to the legitimatization of specific rights for cohabiting homosexual persons need to be reminded that the approval or legalization of evil is something far different from the toleration of evil... The Church teaches that respect for homosexual persons cannot lead in any way to approval of homosexual behavior or to legal recognition of homosexual unions.'(Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, "Considerations Regarding Proposals to give Legal Recognition to Unions between Homosexual Persons," June 3, 2003)" - Catholic Monitor

Today, reported:

"Francis made on October 21 his latest declaration in support of [immoral] homosex civil unions, admitting that he has always stood up for them. This is true." [] -

Therese, a commenter at the Catholic Monitor, said:

"[C]onservatives have... a slow-moving liberalism that by one accommodation after another will end in humanism."

"I was listening to a radio interview from the 90's in which the featured guest pointed out that when you lose your faith typically you are unaware of the fact... I am praying especially for the grace not to fall into this trap."

A few years ago, if any bishop had explicitly taught what Francis now teaches about allowing Communion for adulterers and
"homosex civil unions," most of the conservative Catholics would have said it was heretical.

What early Church expert Rod Bennett said of the Semi-Arians is now true apparently of Francis "conservatives" attacking the Catholic Resistance against Francis's false teachings:

"[Pope] Liberius signed the Semi-Arian Creed of Sirmium... designed to bear both an orthodox and heretical interpretation."
("Bad Shepherds," Page 27)

Liberius was tortured into signing that document.

It appears that most anti-Catholic Resistance "conservatives" are freely accepting "orthodox and heretical interpretation[s]" of infallible Church teachings because their loyalty to Francis is greater than their loyalty to the true faith and to Jesus Christ the author of the true faith.

"Conservative" Francis Catholics have to answer this question:

Are you more loyal to Francis than to the infallible Catholic faith and Jesus Christ the author of that true faith?

Remember Therese said "when you lose your faith typically you are unaware of the fact."

A good example of this is Francis apologist "conservative" Mike Lewis of the Where Peter Is website who is also an apologist for
"homosex civil unions," Communion for adulterers and Pachamama worship. He has shown how so-called "conservative" Francis Catholics become first liberal Catholics and finally apparently lose their faith by becoming Modernist heretics.

This seems to happen by their rejection of  Thomistic realism and it's principle of non-contradiction as applied to the infallible teachings of the Church.

Instead they believe in Cardinal John Henry Newman's speculations on "Development of Doctrine" as well as his nominalist philosophy which denies the principle of non-contradiction as more infallible than the actual infallible Church teachings against such teachings as Communion for adulterers, idolatry and others.

Most Francis Catholics don't have enough philosophical background or plain common sense to realize this is what they are doing.

But, seemingly some realize their nominalism even as they mask it in the religious language of GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT which apparently was condemned by the infallible Council of Vatican I.

Lewis explains Newman's nominalist thinking:

"Newman himself spoke of the need to understand that doctrine might not DEVELOP [my capitalization] in a way that we can anticipate or in a way that our preconceived notions are prepared to accept."
(Where Peter Is, "The shock of developing doctrine: A response to Fr. Dwight Longenecker, May 22, 2018)

Although, I respect Cardinal Newman as a historian for his chronicling of St. Athanasius as well as the Arian crisis and use his historical work as good history, it appears that there is a problem with his philosophy which make problematic his theological idea of development of doctrine.

According to two scholars, Newman's philosophy appears to be tinted with nominalism.

Cardinal Johannes Willebrands who took part in Vatican II said:

"Newman was in fact a convinced individualist. The individual always supersedes the universal, the individual is the only reality... This doctrine is at odds with the doctrine of Saint Thomas Aquinas and amounts to nominalism."
(So, What's New About Scholasticism? How Neo-Thomism Helped Shape the Twentieth Century," Last chapter,

Also, scholar Jay Newman wrote:

"When he tells us that common nouns stand for what is non-existing and speaks of the mind's gift 'of bringing before it abstractions and generalizations, which have no existence, no counterpart, out of it.' Newman is letting us know that he has rejected the metaphysical 'realism' of the scholastics in favor of the 'nominalism' of the British empiricist school."
(The Mental Philosophy of John Henry Newman, Page 40)

Nominalism according to Wikipedia is defined as the philosophy that there "is a concept in the mind, rather than a real entity [objective truth] existing independently of the mind."

In terms of truth and Catholic doctrine nominalism means Church teachings can change or GROW that is "DEVELOP," but in Newman's system the growth can't contradict the previous accepted doctrine, but THE BIG QUESTION IS how can one who rejects Thomism as well as realism by being a nominalist then seriously speak of contradiction.

Even more important, "Development of Doctrine" is a speculation that apparently contradicts the infallible teaching of Vatican I.

The important American theologian Fr. Joseph Fenton who did his doctoral dissertation under the great Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange and was a collaborator with Cardinal Alfredo Ottaviani explained the problem with this speculation:

"The statement that our Catholic dogma or doctrine is the growth or the development of the seed planted by the Apostles would seem to be seriously objectionable. According to the Vatican Council [Vatican I] the Holy Father has been empowered to teach infallibly, NOT the GROWTH or the DEVELOPMENT [my capitalizations] of the primitive Christian teaching, but the 'revelation delivered through the Apostles, or deposit of Faith' itself."
(American Ecclesiological Review article, 1953)

It appears that the so-called "conservative" and "moderate" Francis Catholics like Lewis by thinking Newman's "Development of Doctrine" is infallible dogma when it is only speculation by someone who was tinted with the false philosophy of nominalism eventually become liberal Catholics and finally Modernist heretics by rejecting the Law of Non-contradiction and immutable eternal truth.

The great theologian Fr. Reginald Garrigou-Lagrange explained Modernism:

"One sees the danger of the new definition of truth, no longer the adequation of intellect and reality but the conformity of mind and life... Truth is no more immutable than man himself inasmuch as it is evolved with him... One understands why Puis X said of modernists: 'they pervert the eternal concept of truth."
(Archive.irg, Catholic Family News Reprint Series, "Where is the New Theology")

Moreover, Dante scholar and Editor in Chief of The Catholic Thing Robert Royal explained that Lewis and all Communion for adulterers Francis Catholics need God to "repeal the Law of Non-contradiction":

"Pope Francis... listens to... Cardinals Maradiaga, Marx and Kasper. The last in particular seems more and more incoherent and yet as he tries to explain precisely why marriage is indissoluble and yet those in a second sexual relationship - though not a marriage - may be absolved and return to receiving Communion. The only way that's possible is if God repeals the Law of Non-contradiction. I don't think that's on his to-do list."
(Fr. Z's Blog, "Good comments on Card. Burke and a serious translation error," November 10, 2014)

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church as well as the Triumph of the Kingdom of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.



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