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Flashback: Please Pray for President Bush

Please Pray for President Bush

James Risen’s new book State of War: The Secret History of the CIA and the Bush Administration is interesting. The problem is the author has a history of unfairness and bias.

Risen is the coauthor of a previous book called Wrath of Angels: The American Abortion Wars whose book proclaimed the "rise and fall of the American anti- abortion movement."

The book saidthat the abortion movement won the war. I guess that’s why top Democrats are now claiming to be pro-life or trying to reach out pro-life voters. They are not about to stopping the killing, but want to pretend to be pro-life to get votes.

One pro-life reviewer called the book “fiction ”as well as bias “cloak and dagger conspiracy” writing. Another said that it uses “caricature” and unfair “heavy- handed psychological explanations.”

Getting back to the war book, the major problem is as one reviewer of State of War, who liked the book on the whole, said:

“One major problem with ‘State of War’ is its total lack of documentation.”

The book claims that Donald Rumsfeld, with help of Dick Cheney ignore the President and set the agenda for the entire foreign policy. According to the book Bush at one point “was determine not to ‘waste another American life on a narco-state, [Afghanistan]’ stressing that the United States had to destroy the poppy crop.”

Risen writes that Rumsfeld just ignored Bush on this and other issues and pursued “his own foreign policy.”

The book does say what other sources have confirmed that the biggest disaster for our country in the Iraqi war was CIA Director George Tenet. He told the president and Colin Powell that “the case for the existence of Iraqi WMD was a slam dunk.”

Tenet’s "assurances" to Powell that were "inaccurate intelligence" lead the then Secretary of State to support the war. Without Powell’s support because of Tenet’s "assurances, Bush in my opinion would not have started the war.

Another big disaster according to Risen was Rumsfeld’s total lack of planning for postwar and the “toppl[ing] of the existing class structure of Iraq.” The book says that the Pentagon wanted to keep the Baarth Iraqi government and army intact, but Bush “vetoed” this idea repeatedly because he wanted a new democratically elected government.

This decision was a major reason for the chaos we now have in Iraqi. Christian and former Saddam air force general Georges Sada, who believes that Bush’s war in Iraqi was generally good, thinks that ending the existing class structure of Iraq has caused a majority of the problems in present day Iraq.

President Bush needs to listen to Iraqi patriots like Sada who love their country and are not part of the present power struggle in that country.

Abortionists like Risen are bias and want Bush to fail because their anti-Christian agenda will be advanced. We cannot believe everything written in this book is fact, but when other evidence supports what he says is true then we must realize that President Bush needs our prayers. We need to pray that he receives the wisdom and strength of will to put men around him or keep men around him who can bring order to Iraq and save the Republican party.

We know without doubt that the Democrat party will lead our country to greater war. Catholics know from Fatima that wars come from sin. While there are many problems with the Republicans they are the only political hope to stop the mass killing of unborn babies. Please pray for President Bush.

Click here for Credit Card and Amazon Order of Fred Martinez's book "Hidden Axis":



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