Disaster Coney Barrett: "Antonin Scalia would be so Ashamed! She’s a Coward and a Traitor! She’s been Compromised!"
Constitutional lawyer Robert Barnes summed it up why we got Amy Coney Barrett:
Remember all the "conservative" advocates who preached how wonderful Barrett would be? When a few of us warned about her, we were shouted down. Now notice how all those conservatives have gone silent this week as Barrett rescued the vax mandate? LIVE at 7 [https://twitter.com/barnes_law/status/1427020867939172352]
Twitter summed up what "'conservative' advocates" are now saying:
Antonin Scalia would be so ashamed!
She’s a coward and a traitor!
She’s been compromised!
She’s the biggest disappointment to don a robe since John Roberts!
She was installed on the bench via clever ruse by the Democrats, who feigned opposition to her nomination because they actually wanted her (this one is my favorite)! [https://ordinary-times.com/2021/08/15/amy-coney-barrrett-librul-commie-traitor-or-something/]
On , The Catholic Monitor wrote:
High-profile trial lawyer Robert Barnes who deals in civil, criminal and constitutional law reported on Twitter that Amy Coney Barrett would be a disaster.
The Barnes Twitter report shows that Coney Barrett has "sid[ed] with the government on the lockdowns, on uncompensated takings, on excusing First Amendment infringements & Fourth Amendment violations... [and] exclaimed the benefits of Jacobson, the decision that green-lit forced vaccines & carved out an emergency exception to Constitutional protection in "public health" or "emergency" cases used to justify forced sterilizations & detention camps... [and] hid behind precedent... to prohibit pro-life activists from exercising their free speech."
The Avvo.com lawyer directory reports that attorney "Robert Barnes embraces the challenge to defend the little guy and stand up for what is right. This is why he left the prestigious Yale Law School, whom publicly stated their unwillingness to accept students from lower income families. After receiving a fellowship to the law school at the University of Wisconsin where he graduated with honors and myriad awards for academic excellence... Mr. Barnes has earned a reputation as a premiere lawyer." [https://www.avvo.com/attorneys/90017-ca-robert-barnes-1518666.html]
Barnes on Twitter revealed:
- THREAD: #Barrett sided with the government on almost every civil rights case, every big employer case, every criminal case, while also siding with the government on the lockdowns, on uncompensated takings, on excusing First Amendment infringements & Fourth Amendment violations.
- #Barrett exclaimed the benefits of Jacobson, the decision that green-lit forced vaccines & carved out an emergency exception to Constitutional protection in "public health" or "emergency" cases used to justify forced sterilizations & detention camps. Read: politico.com/f/?id=00000174
- #Barrett excused or immunized questionable police conduct in almost every seizure case or use of force case she came across, many with fact patterns that will make her easily demolished in the court of public opinion in the age of George Floyd. An example: x4f6bg12df75i.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/upl
- Another example: a highly dubious stop that the media can easily make into #Barrett justifying stopping drivers for "driving while black" that she prevented from reaching a jury trial despite the cops sudden memory loss in the case. casetext.com/case/torry-v-c
- #Barrett hid behind precedent that fellow federal circuits said did not apply any longer to allow Chicago to prohibit pro-life activists from exercising their free speech, and did so w/o a concurring opinion as she did whenever she doubted precedent.
- #Barrett justified regulatory takings without compensation and government discrimination by siding with the government's version once again (like she has in a near record setting 95%+ of cases). [https://twitter.com/barnes_law/status/1308233568099860481?s=21]
It appears that Amy Coney Barrett may be a neo-liberal Trojan Horse like Justice Neil Gorsuch. It seems she would possibly be semi-pro-abortion.
Voice of America revealed that "Barrett said she would “[f]ollow all [pro-abortion] 'Supreme Court precedent without fail' and would regard decisions such as Roe v. Wade as binding precedent":
"Republicans view her as reliably conservative and a future Supreme Court
vote to overturn the landmark 1973 decision legalizing abortion rights
in the U.S., but Barrett has offered conflicting comments on how she
might vote on abortion cases."
"During her confirmation hearing to the appeals court, Barrett said she would 'follow all Supreme Court precedent without fail' and would regard decisions such as Roe v. Wade as binding precedent.
“I would never impose my own personal convictions upon the law,” she said.
"But she also has written that judges should not be held to upholding Supreme Court precedents, such as the abortion decision." [https://www.voanews.com/usa/three-conservative-female-judges-top-trumps-supreme-court-list]
It appears that Amy Coney Barrett may possibly be a so-called "conservative" Trojan Horse like neo-liberal Gorsuch who betrays conservatives and Christians.
An internationally known attorney, with knowledge of "the DC elite," told the Catholic Monitor by email that the Ruth Bader Ginsburg/Neil Gorsuch Supreme Court ruling for transgenderism and homosexuality, Bostock v. Clayton County, will lead to the legalization of "child pedophil[a]":
"Child pedophiles will be the next protected SCOTUS class. Trump made a big mistake relying on the DC elite at the “conservative” Federalist Society to screen his SCOTUS candidates"
President Donald Trump and the Republican Party need to take notice that he and his party will own this disastrous ruling and its consequences including, "Child pedophiles [being]... the next protected SCOTUS class":
"According to Politico, 'the Republican Party seemed generally supportive of both the substance and process by which the Supreme Court extended Civil Rights Act protections to gay, lesbian and transgender workers. President Donald Trump declined to trash the decision, calling it ‘powerful.'" [https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/scotus-writing-transgenderism-into-law-the-roe-v-wade-of-religious-liberty]
If President Trump waffles on this next Supreme Court nominee selection it could destroy him with his conservative Christian base.
The anonymous source said we must vehemently protest:
"We must cry bloody murder to Trump" and let him know he will lose our support and re-election unless he goes against this disastrous ruling and clearly states he will never put in another judge such as neo-liberal Justice Neil Gorsuch into the Supreme Court.
Call and email Trump as well as your elected Republican representatives that this issue will lose them their conservative base unless they clearly state they will never put in another judge such as neo-liberal Justice Gorsuch into the Supreme Court.
Please share the White House contact information below:
https://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/ [https://www.thecatholicmonitor.com/2020/09/high-profile-lawyer-barnes-amy-coney.html]
Pray an Our Father now for reparation for the sins committed because of Francis's Amoris Laetitia.