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Dr. Edmund Mazza: "So it forces us to figure out what does he mean by “function” And what does he mean when he says that the munus enters into your very being. You see were back to ontology"

Dr. Edmund Mazza:
And the other strange thing about Pope Benedict’s renunciation, if you want to call it that is that he takes the title Pope Emeritus. Now what is that supposed to mean? Well its got something to do with what Ganswain is talking about and its got something to do with what Benedict just said in the line I quoted from his declarazio. That the papacy is not only carried out by words and deeds, it’s carried out by prayer and suffering. So on some ontological level, He’s telling us in his declarazio, that he is still papal in some ontological sense. And so I’d like to go into more…

Patrick Coffin:
 So ontology, so the being-ness of it. The Pope as existing as such. That’s what you mean by the ontological?

Dr. Edmund Mazza:

Patrick Coffin:
Okay so something that’s rooted or grounded transcendentally, not by human acclimation that can be removed?

Dr. Edmund Mazza:
Precisely, precisely.  Now is there any other information besides his declarazio that would give us this idea? Well, the fact that he wears white, the fact that his official title is His Holiness, the fact that he actually issues apostolic blessings in his own name. Can you and I go and do that? I mean, no, we’re not the pope. So how can two people in Rome do that?

Patrick Coffin:
No Cardinal can do that.

Dr. Edmund Mazza:

Patrick Coffin:
If a Cardinal wore a white hat he would be instantly reprimanded, right?

Dr. Edmund Mazza:
And then when he was interviewed about it and they said why did you continue to wear white. He said oh we couldn’t find a black cassock, you know?

Patrick Coffin:
There’s another thing. I couldn’t find…what? So they just didn’t have a black cassock at hand, there were no nearby closets? Doesn’t Rome have 50,000 cassocks within walking distance?

Dr. Edmund Mazza:
 So it’s funny stuff. But I’ll tell what made the light bulb go off over my head, was when I read the… There’s been several book-length interviews between the German journalist Peter Seewald and Pope Benedict. I mean going back to when he was Cardinal Ratzinger, but…

Patrick Coffin:

You just stole my next quiver question arrow. Yeah, go ahead. Yes

Dr. Edmund Mazza:

Great minds think alike and fools seldom differ, but ok. It was published in 2017 and there’s a chapter, well it’s basically an interview and so Peter Seewald puts this question to Pope Benedict. He says is a slow down in the ability to perform, reason enough to climb down from the chair of Peter? And Instead of saying yes, next question. Benedict responds “One can of course make that accusation, but it would be a functional misunderstanding. The follower of Peter is not merely bound to a function. The office enters into your very being. In this regard fulfilling a function is not the only criterion.” What misunderstanding and what is all this about function? He repeats the word three times. A simple “yes” would do. But Benedict doesn’t give a yes or no answer to a simple question. All the more bizarre, since his answer in fact must be a “yes”. Otherwise he’s contradicting the very reason he gave for stepping down in his official resignation speech, if you follow me. So something is off.

Patrick Coffin:

Take another pass at that. The stated reason is declining health, doesn’t have the physical energy to exercise and ministry and all the administrative stuff. That’s understandable, which oddly or additionally provides a pretty good reason for John Paul II resigning years before he did, but he didn’t. That’s kind of a side bar. So where’s the contradiction?
Dr. Edmund Mazza:
Do you want to rephrase, I missed that last part.

Patrick Coffin:
Benedict stated that reasons of health and declining strength and energy were the rationale for stepping away and then the question is raised, is that enough of a reason?

Dr. Edmund Mazza:
 Right, and then he says, one can make that accusation. What do you mean “accusation”?

Patrick Coffin:

Patrick Coffin interviews Dr. Mazza on the invalidity of Pope Benedict  XVI's Resignation | From Rome

Dr. Edmund Mazza:
It would be a functional misunderstanding. What do you mean “misunderstanding”? You gave us that excuse, for leaving the papacy. So it forces us to figure out what does he mean by “function” And what does he mean when he says that the munus enters into your very being. You see were back to ontology again, if we haven’t lost anybody.

Patrick Coffin:
I wonder if people to properly understand when a priest is laicized; properly laicized, he’s not exercising priestly ministry. Maybe he gets married. He is by virtue of holy orders been configured in his soul to Jesus Christ, the high priest. That can never go away. In heaven or hell, he will always be a priest according to the order of the priest Melchizedek, right? So no one says father emeritus.

Dr. Edmund Mazza:
Patrick Coffin:
So… But no one say, “Father Emeritus”.

Dr. Edmund Mazza:
Exactly, Exactly. So as I understand it, this is my Mazza hypothesis 3.0 [


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