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Hillary: Obama "Relationship with Mr. Ayers on this Board Continued After 9/11"

-Ayres to The New York Times - on 9/11, said "I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough."

-Three years before McCain's release from captivity, Ayers exclaimed, "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at."

-Ayers wife, Bernardine Dohrn famously praised the Manson family for murdering Sharon Tate and others, shouting: "Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into a victim's stomach! Wild!"

-The kicker is that Barack Obama served on a board and accepted fund raising money from Ayers.


Obama ties with a Domestic Bomber, Ayres "Days of Rage" to Chicago.

Three years before McCain's release from captivity, future education professor Ayers exclaimed, "Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that's where it's really at."

One year before McCain achieved freedom, Ayers participated in a bombing of the Pentagon. Of that day, Ayers wrote: Everything was absolutely ideal on the day I bombed the Pentagon. The sky was blue. The birds were singing. And the bastards were finally going to get what was coming to them.

Barack Obama fumbled his responses to the newest scandale du jour, his Chicago associations with William Ayres, an English professor and neighbor who had been a bomber for the Weather Underground during the late '60s, and who remains unrepentant, telling The New York Times - on 9/11, no less - that "I don't regret setting bombs; I feel we didn't do enough."

Ayers, along with his fellow former Weather Underground terrorist wife, Bernardine Dohrn, are among the two most despicable people in living in America. At one rally, Dohrn famously praised the Manson family for murdering Sharon Tate and others, shouting: "Dig it. First they killed those pigs, then they ate dinner in the same room with them. They even shoved a fork into a victim's stomach! Wild!" The kicker is that Barack Obama served on a board and accepted fund raising money from Ayers.

While McCain was being tortured by his North Vietnamese captors, Ayers was openly cheering for a Communist victory over our troops.

In 1969, four years before McCain was set free by the NVA, Ayers and the Weather Underground brought the terroristic

When Obama was questioned about his relationship with Ayers during the Pennsylvania debate, his initial impulse was to try to finesse the subject, then change it: When asked why he would be friends with the likes of Weatherman Bill Ayers, Obama said: "The notion that ... me knowing somebody who engaged in detestable acts 40 years ago, when I was 8 years old, somehow reflects on me and my values doesn't make much sense."

That's a slick answer, but the problem is, Ayers and his Weatherman wife, Bernadine Dohrn, won't stop boasting about their days as Weathermen.

Barack also stated "(Ayers) is not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis....The fact is, is that I'm also friendly with Tom Coburn, one of the most conservative Republicans in the United States Senate, who during his campaign once said that it might be appropriate to apply the death penalty to those who carried out abortions. Do I need to apologize for Mr. Coburn's statements? Because I certainly don't agree with those either." Did he say ALSO FRIENDLY. So Obama is "quoted" admitting a friendship with this enemy of America!

Also, was Obama well served by equating a U.S. senator with a guy who may have been connected to as many as 25 domestic bombings (the number claimed by the Weather Underground)? Obama's vague answer - that Ayres "is not somebody who I exchange ideas from on a regular basis" gave Clinton an opening, and she drove a Hummer through it.

Hillary Clinton's response: "Senator Obama served on a board with Mr. Ayers for a period of time, the Woods Foundation, which was a paid directorship position. And if I'm not mistaken, that relationship with Mr. Ayers on this board continued after 9/11 and after his reported comments, which were deeply hurtful to people in New York, and I would hope to every American, because they were published on 9/11 and he said that he was just sorry they hadn't done more."

If Timothy McVeigh had only said he bombed the building in Oklahoma City to protest American "imperialism," McVeigh, too, could be teaching at Northwestern University, sitting on a board with and holding fundraisers for presidential candidate B. Hussein Obama.

Is it just me or is Obama lacking good judgment skills. It amazes me that every time Senator Obama is questioned about an issue he does not want to answer, he says "that's the type of politics we are trying to get away from". Yeah, right! Good "No Answer"! Don't we always teach our children to be careful who they hang out with because of guilt by association. Also, don't we choose our friends as people that we share mutual points of view and interests. Of all the people in the world, Obamas' circle of friends consists of Rev. Wright, Tony Rezko and William Ayres. Is this just coincidental bad judgment, or are we seeing the true side of Barack Obama that he is attempting to keep concealed.

I bet he is off hiding somewhere right now, smoking a cigarette. Another personal side that Barack does not want publicized. Do you think the tobacco companies are backing his election? He consistently has the most campaign dollars. Where is it all coming from? If he is truly the savior of "the needy", where are the funds coming from? Things that make you go hmmm?!

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