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30-Seconds to End Abortion by Identifying the Unborn Child with the Unborn Baby Jesus

For a long time I have been experimenting with a 30-second program to save unborn babies from being aborted by identifying them with the unborn Baby Jesus.

Some years back, I hosted a local TV show which lead me to think that a pro-life campaign using techniques that work in our video cultural could be helpful. But the most important thing to remember is that methods without Christ are a waste of time.

In our video age, people, at most, have a 30-second attention span. Television and smart phones have made it impossible to keep anyone's attention without a visual effect. So, our home-visiting program has created a 30-second commercial using a model of an unborn baby as a visual prop.

The purpose of the recited 30-second presentation is to identify the unborn child with Jesus Christ.

The inspiration for the program came when I was a sidewalk counselor in California. In front of an abortion clinic, a female Planned Parenthood employee proclaimed herself a Christian to me. So, I asked her if she would abort the unborn baby Jesus.

She said, "I would."

Shocked, I just walked away from her fanaticism to think. I knew that mainstream America would not be willing to kill the unborn baby Jesus.

In two model programs, one in California and the other in New Mexico, over 2,000 homes were visited, with 90 percent to 95 percent saying "yes" to the pro-life message.

In this model programs, three volunteers going out a couple of hours a week visited 1,000 homes in six months.

Imagine if there were 3,000 volunteers across the nation. In six months we could visit 1 million homes.

Imagine if tens of millions identified the unborn baby with Jesus. Abortion would be doomed, first in America and then worldwide.

Imagine that by the grace of God it might only take:

30-seconds to end abortion by identifying the unborn child with the unborn Baby Jesus.

Remember that identifying the unborn Baby Jesus with all unborn babies is true because Jesus said:

"Whatever you do to the least of my brethren you do to me."

A Complete Guide for Running a Successful Pro-life Home Visitation Campaign

Archangel Instructions


We are Archangels in imitation of Gabriel, the Archangel.

Gabriel said to the Blessed Virgin Mary, to all future mothers and all mothers:

"Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found grace with God. Behold you shall conceive in your womb and shall bring forth a Son and you shall call His name Jesus."

The babies you help save by home visitation are the Baby Jesus because Jesus said:

"Whatever you do to the least of my brethren you do to me."

Each mother should be thought of as a new Blessed Mother of Jesus.

What is an Archangel?

An Archangel is a person who spreads the good news that God was an unborn baby and therefore all babies in the womb are of infinite value along with their mothers and fathers.

What is Home Visiting?

Step 1:

Ring the bell or knock on the door. While you're waiting for a answer, say a "Hail Mary" for the home. If by the end of the "Hail Mary" no one has answered leave the pro-life and Traditional Latin Mass literature (especially information about crisis pregnancy centers and where they they can attend the Mass of the Ages) as well as chastity literature and go to the next home. Remember when you say the "Hail Mary" that it is the prayer of Gabriel to the Blessed Mother of Jesus. When they answer the door, say, "Hi, do you have 30 seconds?"

Step 2:

When someone is interested (as are the vast majority in the model programs), gently hold up the eleven-old-week unborn baby model and say the following:

"This is an eleven- to twelve-week baby in the mother's womb. The vast majority of babies killed in abortions in the United States are this old or older. This baby is already a boy or girl. His heart is already beating. His brain waves already work and he has fingerprints like you and me. This is the baby Jesus because Jesus said, "Whatever you do to the least of my brethren you do to me." In fact this is what Jesus looked like when He was in his mother's womb. Do you think this little baby has the right to live?"

If they say "NO,"  say "Thank you" only and go to the next home.

The vast majority, however, say "Yes" (as shown in two model programs).

When they say "Yes," say "May I give these (pamphlets) to you in case you might know a young lady who might need help?" They almost all take the pamphlets.

Finally, say "Thank you" and keep following the Archangel Gabriel until you get to heaven.


1. Pamphlets can be gotten from your local crisis pregnancy centers, pro-life groups and Traditional Latin Mass church.

2. To get the models of unborn babies just google 11- to 12- week unborn baby model.

3. The presentation can also be made into PSAs or commercials for the Internet or television.

Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.



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