“Brett Kavanaugh has just tested positive for the RINO Virus,” tweeted Lavern Spicer, a Florida GOP candidate... Rep. Maxine Watters a tradition, wrote that “traitor and loser” Kavanaugh should have been left “to the streets" for Democrats to “eat him alive.”
Vanity Fair:
“Brett Kavanaugh has just tested positive for the RINO Virus,” tweeted Lavern Spicer, a Florida GOP candidate running for Congress. Errol Webber, a GOP House candidate running in California, tweeted that Kavanaugh and Roberts should never be called “conservatives,” while Omar Navarro, a Los Angeles Republican who has made losing to Rep. Maxine Watters a tradition, wrote that “traitor and loser” Kavanaugh should have been left “to the streets" for Democrats to “eat him alive.” [https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/01/brett-kavanaugh-the-rights-new-punching-bag]