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Rogan and Malone: Most Important Interview of Our Time?​​​​​​​


Rogan and Malone: Most Important Interview of Our Time?​​​​​:Joe Rogan interviewedRobert Malone about the safety and efficacy of the COVID-19 vaccines.

Here are some of the key points discussed with time codes:

  • 24:19: An estimated 500,000 COVID Deaths resulted from the suppression of Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine (HCQ).
  • 25:39: Former head of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), Dr. Janet Woodcock, intentionally prevented doctors from using HCQ outside of the hospital setting (HCQ is one of the few antiviral medications safe in pregnancy and is largely ineffective once a person has been hospitalized).
  • 31:10: Pharma industry’s systematic efforts to discredit ivermectin.
  • 32:40: COVID deaths in the Indian State of Uttar Pradesh plummeted soon after packets of medicines were distributed to their population. It is suspected these packets included Ivermectin but this was never formally disclosed. This puzzling policy went into effect soon after a meeting between President Biden and Prime Minister Modi.
  • 36:28: Increased risk of adverse events from vaccinating after SARS-COV2 infection.
  • 38:40: 140 studies demonstrate natural immunity is superior to vaccine-induced immunity. Natural immunity is 6- to 13-fold better than vaccination in preventing hospitalization.
  • 43:44: The Trusted News Initiative employed to protect western elections from foreign influence was used to justify the suppression of “misinformation” around the pandemic.
  • 50:15: Emails between NIH Director Francis Collins and Fauci demonstrate an intention to launch a smear campaign against the founders of the Great Barrington Declaration.
  • 54:00: How is Israel (highly vaccinated) faring in comparison to Palestine (poorly vaccinated)?
  • 57:00: Why is good data nearly impossible to find?
  • 1:06:00: The regulatory process is broken because vaccine manufacturers are responsible for their own data (FDA is not doing its job as a regulatory body).
  • 1:14:50: Arguably the best clinicians of our day are having their medical licensure attacked.
  • 1:22:50: Hong Kong study demonstrates that 1 in 2,700 boys getting hospitalized with myocarditis after vaccination.
  • 1:27:00: Lipid nanoparticles pose danger to ovaries.
  • 1:46:30: Long COVID and post-vaccination syndrome are impossible to differentiate.
  • 1:49:00: Dysregulation of T-cells after vaccination may be causing latent virus reactivation (e.g., shingles).
  • 1:59:00: Omicron and the possible negative efficacy of vaccines.
  • 2:06:20: What is Original Antigenic Sin?
  • 2:22:10: Vaccine mandates are illegal.
  • 2:35:50: Pfizer is one of the most criminal pharmaceutical organizations in the world.
  • 2:37:00: What are mass formation psychosis and tribalism?
  • 2:53:00: We are having a worldwide epidemic of suicide in children.



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