If you like electric cars, trucks and similar where they make sense (local commuter transport, local delivery, etc.) then you need the clean, available, stable power generation capacity in order to feed same. Ditto if you wish to try to force people into using electrical energy for heat as opposed to natural gas, propane and heating oil. You cannot do this with wind and solar because they are not reliable and not having heat when its -20F outside both does ridiculous amounts of property damage and kills people. It would be nice if you could violate the laws of physics but you can't and all the screaming in the world will not change this.
If you like electric cars, trucks and similar where they make sense (local commuter transport, local delivery, etc.) then you need the clean, available, stable power generation capacity in order to feed same. Ditto if you wish to try to force people into using electrical energy for heat as opposed to natural gas, propane and heating oil. You cannot do this with wind and solar because they are not reliable and not having heat when its -20F outside both does ridiculous amounts of property damage and kills people. It would be nice if you could violate the laws of physics but you can't and all the screaming in the world will not change this.