Dr. Luca Gili, a professor of philosophy at the University of Quebec in Montreal, told LifeSiteNews:
“By saying that ‘there is no other interpretation’ [to guidelines that appear to blatantly approve Communion for adulterers], the pope is stating that he is (magisterially) proposing a doctrine which is contrary to the Sixth Commandment and to Saint Paul’s prohibition outlined in 1 Cor. 11:27-30."
Dr. Gili in speaking of heresy said:
“Any denial of a divinely revealed truth is (material) heresy, according to the definition of heresy in CIC 751. In conclusion, the pope is (allegedly) teaching a plain heresy.”
With Pope Francis like Pope Honorius now officially teaching error we need a bird's eye view or perspective.
We can understand our present situation by comparing what happened during the Honorius era to what is happening now.
When Honorius taught heresy the Holy See wasn't vacant and the Church didn't pass away.
As in the time of Honorius, the Holy See is not vacant and the Catholic Church is still the Church founded by Jesus Christ that will endure until He returns at the end of time.
Remember that the Church survived the heresy of Honorius and he was not condemned until after his death.
The See didn't become vacant and the Church didn't expire.The Catholic Church survived Honorius and will survive Francis.
Honorius was not even corrected or even challenged by the bishops of his time.
Francis is being challenged and may be corrected.
We must pray that the Dubia Cardinals correct the Pope. Even more importantly, we must hold on to our God given faith, hope and love/charity.
We must pray, do penance, do our daily duty and influence those around us towards God and His Church so they and we may receive the grace to be saved.
We must continue to speak the truth from the rooftops and pray that God reform the Church.
“By saying that ‘there is no other interpretation’ [to guidelines that appear to blatantly approve Communion for adulterers], the pope is stating that he is (magisterially) proposing a doctrine which is contrary to the Sixth Commandment and to Saint Paul’s prohibition outlined in 1 Cor. 11:27-30."
Dr. Gili in speaking of heresy said:
“Any denial of a divinely revealed truth is (material) heresy, according to the definition of heresy in CIC 751. In conclusion, the pope is (allegedly) teaching a plain heresy.”
With Pope Francis like Pope Honorius now officially teaching error we need a bird's eye view or perspective.
We can understand our present situation by comparing what happened during the Honorius era to what is happening now.
When Honorius taught heresy the Holy See wasn't vacant and the Church didn't pass away.
As in the time of Honorius, the Holy See is not vacant and the Catholic Church is still the Church founded by Jesus Christ that will endure until He returns at the end of time.
Remember that the Church survived the heresy of Honorius and he was not condemned until after his death.
The See didn't become vacant and the Church didn't expire.The Catholic Church survived Honorius and will survive Francis.
Honorius was not even corrected or even challenged by the bishops of his time.
Francis is being challenged and may be corrected.
We must pray that the Dubia Cardinals correct the Pope. Even more importantly, we must hold on to our God given faith, hope and love/charity.
We must pray, do penance, do our daily duty and influence those around us towards God and His Church so they and we may receive the grace to be saved.
We must continue to speak the truth from the rooftops and pray that God reform the Church.
"It seems to me that we are now in a phase of obvious Honorius 2.0 :
the Pope was officially a heretic and the Bishops (there were no
Cardinals then) simply did nothing for as long as the Pope was in
charge, and for some time afterwards."
"Did the See become vacant? No."
"Did the Church die? No."
"Did the world end? No."
"The Church, which is Indefectible, survived Honorius, and she will survive Francis, irrespective of how many bishops and cardinals will be sent to hell for the offences done to her."
"What happened next? At some point after the death of Honorius, it was decided to right the heresy with the extremely strong move of an Ecumenical Council. Mind, though: as long as he lived, Honorius did not have to retract and I have no knowledge of official resistance of the bishops, or threat to declare Honorius self-deposed (as it was done, though the details are unclear, with Pope Marcellinus) in virtue of the offence committed (“Judge thyself!”, the bishops famously said to Marcellinus)."
"Yes, we are tested. We are tested by... the Burkes of the world almost as much as we are tested by the obvious faithlessness and heresy of Francis. But let us put things in the proper context here: just as the faithful in the time of Honorius were not so important that Honorius’ heresy had to mean the end of the church, or of the world, or of whatever is good and holy, we are not so important that this officially heretical pontificate has to mean that the end times are now near."
"Instead of waiting for Armageddon (which will come, have no doubt about this, at the appointed time anyway), you had better pray more and reflect that you, and everyone else, is expected to know and follow the manual irrespective of what Francis says."
"If the world ends, be prepared. But hey, be prepared anyway, and consider that the world did not end in the time of Honorius."
"As I have developed an allergic reaction to meaningless whining and “the end is near” doom saying, I will not publish any comment that does now incite the readers to do (to pray more, to do more penance, to become more active in our sphere of influence) rather than to whinge.
Man up, grab your shield, and go to war.'
Below is a comparison of Francis and Honorius:
Pope Honorius wrote a document to please the Monothelitist heretics. He then allowed the heresy to spread and confuse the faithful.
The heretics taught Jesus had only a Divine will. The Church teaching is that Jesus has both a human will and a Divine will.
Francis wrote the document Amoris Laetitia and a letter to allow adulterer to receive Communion to please those promoting the Kasperite heresy and even this past week promoted it as official teaching.
He then allowed the error to spread and confuse the faithful.
The Kasperites teach that those in adulterous sexually active second "marriages" could continue to commit objective mortal sin and receive Holy Communion without reforming their sinful habits.
The Kasperites argue there might not be a objective mortal sin because subjectively one might not know it is a sin so they may receive Communion.
The Church counters the Kasperite subjective argument by teaching that those committing any objective mortal sins such as adultery or homosexual sexual acts who are subjectively unaware of the gravity of the sins must have their conscience formed.
The sinner is informed of the Catholic moral teachings that adultery or any homosexual sexual acts are gravely sinful.
After their conscience is formed then the person must confess the sins and make a firm resolution not to commit the sins before receiving Communion.
An example, of how absurd is the Kasper proposal is murder.
By their argument, the murderer could continue murdering and receive Communion so long as he didn't objectively know murder was a mortal sin.
Theologian Rowland shows how erroneous is Francis's promotion of the Kasper proposal:
"Kasper's arguments based on alleged Patristic-era antecedents were heavily criticised by eminent Patristic scholars, and... the idea was strongly opposed by both of his papal predecessors." (Catholic Theology, page 196)
Pope Francis's support of the Kasper error has lead him into becoming another Honorius who was a heretic.
The great Catholic theologian Abbott John Chapman in the Dublin Review of 1906 said:
"Unquestionably no Catholic has the right to deny that Honorius was a heretic... a heretic in word, if not in intention... It would no doubt be uncharitable to regard the Pope as a "private heretic"; but his letters, treated as definitions of faith, are obviously and beyond doubt heretical, for in a definition it is the words that matter." (edwardfeser.blogspot, December 18, 2017, "Denial flows into the Tiber")
Even more important, Pope Honorius was condemned by a general council and Pope St. Agatho and Pope St. Leo II. Leo said:
"We anathematize the inventors of the new error... and also Honorius, who did not attempt to sanctify this Apostolic Church with the teaching of Apostolic tradition, but by profane treachery permitted it's purity to be polluted." (edwardfeser.blogspot, December 18, 2017, "Denial flows from the Tiber")
Pope Francis will be condemned by a future general council and pope unless he recants.
Pray a Our Father that the Dubia Cardinals issue the correction..
"Did the See become vacant? No."
"Did the Church die? No."
"Did the world end? No."
"The Church, which is Indefectible, survived Honorius, and she will survive Francis, irrespective of how many bishops and cardinals will be sent to hell for the offences done to her."
"What happened next? At some point after the death of Honorius, it was decided to right the heresy with the extremely strong move of an Ecumenical Council. Mind, though: as long as he lived, Honorius did not have to retract and I have no knowledge of official resistance of the bishops, or threat to declare Honorius self-deposed (as it was done, though the details are unclear, with Pope Marcellinus) in virtue of the offence committed (“Judge thyself!”, the bishops famously said to Marcellinus)."
"Yes, we are tested. We are tested by... the Burkes of the world almost as much as we are tested by the obvious faithlessness and heresy of Francis. But let us put things in the proper context here: just as the faithful in the time of Honorius were not so important that Honorius’ heresy had to mean the end of the church, or of the world, or of whatever is good and holy, we are not so important that this officially heretical pontificate has to mean that the end times are now near."
"Instead of waiting for Armageddon (which will come, have no doubt about this, at the appointed time anyway), you had better pray more and reflect that you, and everyone else, is expected to know and follow the manual irrespective of what Francis says."
"If the world ends, be prepared. But hey, be prepared anyway, and consider that the world did not end in the time of Honorius."
"As I have developed an allergic reaction to meaningless whining and “the end is near” doom saying, I will not publish any comment that does now incite the readers to do (to pray more, to do more penance, to become more active in our sphere of influence) rather than to whinge.
Man up, grab your shield, and go to war.'
Below is a comparison of Francis and Honorius:
Pope Honorius wrote a document to please the Monothelitist heretics. He then allowed the heresy to spread and confuse the faithful.
The heretics taught Jesus had only a Divine will. The Church teaching is that Jesus has both a human will and a Divine will.
Francis wrote the document Amoris Laetitia and a letter to allow adulterer to receive Communion to please those promoting the Kasperite heresy and even this past week promoted it as official teaching.
He then allowed the error to spread and confuse the faithful.
The Kasperites teach that those in adulterous sexually active second "marriages" could continue to commit objective mortal sin and receive Holy Communion without reforming their sinful habits.
The Kasperites argue there might not be a objective mortal sin because subjectively one might not know it is a sin so they may receive Communion.
The Church counters the Kasperite subjective argument by teaching that those committing any objective mortal sins such as adultery or homosexual sexual acts who are subjectively unaware of the gravity of the sins must have their conscience formed.
The sinner is informed of the Catholic moral teachings that adultery or any homosexual sexual acts are gravely sinful.
After their conscience is formed then the person must confess the sins and make a firm resolution not to commit the sins before receiving Communion.
An example, of how absurd is the Kasper proposal is murder.
By their argument, the murderer could continue murdering and receive Communion so long as he didn't objectively know murder was a mortal sin.
Theologian Rowland shows how erroneous is Francis's promotion of the Kasper proposal:
"Kasper's arguments based on alleged Patristic-era antecedents were heavily criticised by eminent Patristic scholars, and... the idea was strongly opposed by both of his papal predecessors." (Catholic Theology, page 196)
Pope Francis's support of the Kasper error has lead him into becoming another Honorius who was a heretic.
The great Catholic theologian Abbott John Chapman in the Dublin Review of 1906 said:
"Unquestionably no Catholic has the right to deny that Honorius was a heretic... a heretic in word, if not in intention... It would no doubt be uncharitable to regard the Pope as a "private heretic"; but his letters, treated as definitions of faith, are obviously and beyond doubt heretical, for in a definition it is the words that matter." (edwardfeser.blogspot, December 18, 2017, "Denial flows into the Tiber")
Even more important, Pope Honorius was condemned by a general council and Pope St. Agatho and Pope St. Leo II. Leo said:
"We anathematize the inventors of the new error... and also Honorius, who did not attempt to sanctify this Apostolic Church with the teaching of Apostolic tradition, but by profane treachery permitted it's purity to be polluted." (edwardfeser.blogspot, December 18, 2017, "Denial flows from the Tiber")
Pope Francis will be condemned by a future general council and pope unless he recants.
Pray a Our Father that the Dubia Cardinals issue the correction..