The Observer reported that predator Jeffrey Epstein "belonged to intelligence":
Acosta, according to himself, backed off on prosecuting Epstein back in 2007, despite the possession of ample evidence proving his guilt, because he “belonged to intelligence.” Whose intelligence, exactly? is the first of many questions that arise here.
This claim was met with an appropriate degree of skepticism, and Acosta had a chance to explain what he meant in a press conference this afternoon. On camera, Acosta maintained that he did the best he could with that case, while admitting that it hardly looks like a fair punishment now.
The intelligence issue came up, and Acosta’s response was bizarre. He punted on setting the record straight, instead proffering this strange word salad when asked about Ward’s reporting:
So there has been reporting to that effect and let me say, there’s been reporting to a lot of effects in this case, not just now but over the years and, again, I would hesitant to take this reporting as fact. This was a case that was brought by our office, it was brought based on the facts and I look at the reporting and others, I can’t address it directly because of our guidelines, but I can tell you that a lot of reporting is going down rabbit holes.
To anyone acquainted with our nation’s capital, that’s a non-denial denial of an epic kind. Given the chance to refute Ward’s report, specifically that the Epstein case involved intelligence matters, Acosta did nothing of the sort. Indeed, he functionally admitted that it’s true. [[]
And strangely enough, Josh Barnett and headlines reported a "CIA Pedophile Scandal. Does this really surprise anyone?":
CIA Files Say Staffers Committed Sex Crimes Involving Children
CIA Pedophile Scandal. Does this really surprise anyone? The timing… []Finally, is anyone surprised that Joe Biden's FBI is acting like the Gestapo against conservative parents according to The Epoch Times:
In less than a year, the incompetent, ideologically driven (or is it obsessed) Biden administration has done something few would have thought possible.
They’ve made the United States of America almost unlivable.
Nevertheless, we do our best to soldier on as if we were already accustomed to living in an American version of Germany’s Weimar Republic—inflation, unmitigated license, and all. Too many of us accept it, although so many of us know what Weimar led to—the rise of the National Socialist Party. We pretend it can’t happen here, yet there are auguries everywhere.
Yes, there are good signs as well, such as the Rittenhouse verdict and poll numbers that show a possible Democratic debacle in 2022. But that only causes the Dems to double-down on their statist legislation, seeking yet more control for a supposedly-benign government—and therefore over all of us—with mandates and so forth, as that same National Socialist Party did in the 1930s.
You could call that an invidious comparison, but an administration that accuses parents protesting school boards of being “domestic terrorists” is pretty much capable of anything.
An example of this Gestapo-like behavior occurred early in the morning on Nov. 16 in western Colorado. A woman named Sherronna Bishop—who helped flip nine school boards in the parents’ direction—had her door rammed by the FBI and was handcuffed in front of her young, home-schooled children—children who had been taught to love and respect the police. This was over an as-yet unclear, but what appears to be extremely minor, investigation having something to do with local elections.
Our friends at The Daily Beast have excused this behavior by the feds because Bishop, through a woman for whom she was a campaign manager, has some alleged connection to QAnon, whatever that is. (I say “whatever that is” because I know little of the obviously minuscule QAnon—except for that goofy Chewbacca fellow who got 41 months for marching harmlessly around the Capitol as their “Shaman”—and because the FBI never seems to ram the doors of the obviously far from minuscule, indeed international, Antifa. []
As Susan St. James said on Twitter "FBI admits they don't keep track of Antifa violence. Gee, I wonder why? ":
FBI admits they don't keep track of Antifa violence. Gee, I wonder why? []
Might this be a possible reason? Was Antifa Supporter David Hoggs' Father a "Former FBI Agent"?
"Another post also links to a story about Hogg’s father, former FBI agent Kevin Hogg. In another post, ‘davisgreen111’ makes reference to his dad being an FBI agent." - Paul Joseph Watson
David Hogg said:
"My grandpa was part of the Antifa forces in WWII sad Donald Trump has labeled him and his fellow vets as terrorists." []
In a report by Paul Joseph Watson, he ran across posts made by DavisGreen111 on Reddit and discovered that the poster was none other than little David Hogg [if Watson's speculation is correct].
Watson shares what he discovered.
In a 2017 Reddit post, ‘March For Our Lives’ gun control activist David Hogg celebrates the fact that mosquitoes kill “billions” of people as being “great for the environment”. Another user on the site asked the question, “What is a positive reason for mosquitoes to exist?” to which Hogg responded, “They kill humans, billions of them, which is great for the environment.” The post was made eight months ago.
Although the entry was posted under the pseudonym ‘davisgreen111’, the account almost certainly belongs to Hogg. The poster refers to himself as “David Hogg” in one post and another post links to a video from Hogg’s personal YouTube channel. Another post confirms that he lives in Parkland, Florida.
Another post also links to a story about Hogg’s father, former FBI agent Kevin Hogg. In another post, ‘davisgreen111’ makes reference to his dad being an FBI agent.
According to the World Health Organization, mosquito bites result in the deaths of more than one million people every year. There are 300-500 million cases of malaria every year and a child dies from malaria every 30 seconds.
The Reddit post conflicts with Hogg’s public image as somebody who cares about saving lives. Some would also construe the remark as racist given that mosquito-related deaths disproportionately affect non-white people living in poor third world countries.
In other posts, Hogg repeatedly discusses his inability to get a girlfriend and in one instance refers to girls as bitches.
Well, I'm none too surprised that he keeps the reference of girls to
"bitches" instead of some of the more colorful language his sewer mouth
produces. I'm also not surprised to see an anti-Second Amendment,
scripted, useful idiot reveling in the deaths of other humans while he
puts on the mask that he actually cares about people's lives.
There are reports that millions of "non-white
people living in poor third world countries" may die of starvation due to fallout from the virus lockdowns.
Might Antifa and Black Life Matters who support the lockdowns also want millions of "non-white
people living in poor third world countries" such as in Africa to die because it is "great for the environment"?