Flashback: Romney Exit to Transform Pro-life Endorsements 'Old Guard' Pro-life Leaders' Candidates Fail
Romney Exit to Transform Pro-life Endorsements 'Old Guard' Pro-life Leaders' Candidates Fail
ADVISORY, Feb. 7 /Christian Newswire/ -- "National Right To Life had
endorsed two candidates, Mitt Romney and Fred Thompson," said Steve
Curtis, president of the alternative American Right To Life Action.
"Thompson withdrew on the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and Romney
withdrew on the opening day of CPAC" (Conservative Political Action
Conference). "The partisan, old guard pro-life leaders like Paul
Weyrich, Bob Jones, National RTL's political architect James Bopp, and
Jay Sekulow, all of whom endorsed pro- abortion Romney," said Curtis,
"are thankfully losing their influence among those committed to
pro-family issues."
The American RTL website states: "The Rev.
Jerry Falwell has gone to be with the Lord, and his Moral Majority is
deceased. The beloved D. James Kennedy has passed away, as did his
Center for Reclaiming America. The Christian Coalition is long dead, and
its founder Pat Robertson, who defended China's forced abortion on CNN
and endorsed pro-abortion Rudi Giuliani, is also dead though not
physically but morally. Billy Graham at his last crusade and under no
duress said positively that Hillary Clinton could run the country, and
his own Christian Workers Handbook stated in 2001 that 'sincere
Christians' may justify abortion when 'the unborn child has severe
abnormalities' and in the 1997 edition: 'We should accept abortion in
these cases: rape or incest...' This lie is the perverse foundation of
the abortion industry and violates God's direct command to never punish a
child for his father's crime (Ezekiel 18:20)."
continues: "Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson made a pledge to God
which prohibits him from supporting the presumptive Republican
presidential nominee, John McCain, saying, 'for the rest of my life,
however long God lets me live on this earth, I will never cast one vote
for any man or woman who would kill one innocent baby.' Ann Coulter
described the aggressively pro-abortion Romney as "manifestly the best
candidate" and instead of correcting the obvious campaign deceit, she
mouthed the candidate's own sound bite, that 'Romney governed as a
pro-lifer.' That is a provable lie. By Romney's own signature written in
2006, two years after his politically-calculated 'pro-life' conversion,
he allocated tax dollars to murder unborn children in Massachusetts."
new political 527 group, American RTL Action targeted pro-abortion
Romney in the early contest states of Iowa, South Carolina, and
Florida," said the group's vice president, Columbine dad Brian
Rohrbough. "ABC News, Fox News, FNC's Hannity and Colmes, and a hundred
other articles and blogs disseminated our proof of Romney's recent pro-
abortion actions, and we thank the pro-lifers who refused to vote for a
known pro-abortion candidate even though they were being lied to by the
'old guard pro-lifers."
"No longer will National RTL be able to
give fraudulent '100% pro-life' ratings to Republican pro- choice
candidates without being exposed nationally," said Curtis, former
chairman of the Colorado state Republican Party. "American Right To Life
has Jesus Christ as our authority, not the situational ethicists, legal
positivist lawyers and moral relativists of the pro- life industry at
National Right To Life."
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