To "[Pro]-abortion extremis[ts], reform of the reform, [Pro]-Francis/Vatican II" Catholics: Our Lady of Good Success Restorationist Prophecies: The Middle 20th Century "Greatest Crisis of the Church" that will continue then God will sent a "Prelate" & Our Lady for "the..Restoration"

Pope condemns American “restorationists” - The Catholic Thing
In the St. Bernard of Clairvaux journey which would end the antipapacy
of antipope Anacletus (with "truth and reason") according to a story
from tradition Satan attempted to block this journey by breaking down
the transportation of Bernard:
"The devil we are told, had a particular objection to this journey. He
foresaw and hated what was to come of it. Therefore,... the demon broke
the wheel of the carriage in which the Abbot travelled... The saint...
took vengeance on his enemy... he ordered Satan himself to become a
wheel, and replace the broken one. The fallen angel obeyed the words of
the holy man...and... carried Bernard to his destination."
(The Life and Time of Saint Bernard by James Cotter Morison, M.A., Page
210 tells the traditional story and page 212 speaks of how Bernard ended
the antipapacy with "truth and reason")
Might Satan in our time be attempting to block the saintly cardinal or bishop who
needs to come forward to call an imperfect council to judge with "truth
and reason" the papacy of Francis as he attempted to block St. Bernard
from ending the antipapacy of the antipope Anacletus?
Pray an Our Father and the St. Michael the Archangel prayer now for
Jesus Christ by His Precious Blood to send the saintly cardinal or
bishop the
grace to overcome any satanic attempted blockage of his coming forward
to call the imperfect council to judge the papacy of Francis. - The
Catholic Monitor
"The woman was given the two wings of the eagle, so she could fly from
the serpent into the wilderness, to her place where she is nourished for
a time, and time, and half a time."
(RV. 12:14)
"The two wings are the silence of the soul and the night of faith,
that is, the two specialties of Joseph, the providential man chosen by
the Father. The dragon is totally helpless against those who know how to
obey Joseph, as Jesus did for so long, by observing these two essential
points... putting our poor head to silence, to place our trust during
the night in the One who cannot fail us is to make the two wings of the
great eagle function and save time by allowing the power of the cross to
manifest itself... 'Christ is the power of God.'"
(Joseph: Shadow of the Father, Pages 159-160)
Catholic Monitor commenter MyronM had speculation on the "'Revelation to John' and the revelation in Guadalupe speak[ing] just about such a providential person... the situation of the Church is deteriorating dramatically, almost from week to week, so the disclosure of this providential man is very close":
"The woman was given the two wings of the eagle ..."
This eagle is a specific man: in the apocalyptic revelation of Guadalupe (Dec. 12, 1531) the Holy Virgin stands on the shoulders of the Talking Eagle (Cuauhtlatoatzin, Saint Juan Diego). The Virgin Mother is pregnant because she is about to give birth to a talking eagle. She will bear him as Our Mother Holy Church. So he will be one of the sons of the Catholic Church.
Joseph from Egypt saved the people of God from extinction from hunger, which over time enabled the birth of David and then Joseph, Mary and Jesus Christ himself. This Joseph of Nazareth saved the Holy Family (God's new people) from the killer Herod, enabling Christ to accomplish his salvific mission.
Now, when the Church is threatened with total destruction on a global scale, another Joseph is needed who will save God's new people from extinction. The 'Revelation to John' and the revelation in Guadalupe speak just about such a providential person. The symbol of John the Evangelist is the eagle, which is why the 'Talking Eagle' of Guadalupe is known as Juan Diego, meaning 'John the Teacher'. Juan Diego took the Blessed Virgin to himself and lived with her (in this chapel on the hill of Tepayac) just like John the Evangelist, who took the Mother of Jesus under his protection.
Joseph of Egypt, Joseph of Nazareth were real men of flesh and blood. Similarly, the apocalyptic "Talking Eagle" must be a specific man, son of the Catholic Church. Because the situation of the Church is deteriorating dramatically, almost from week to week, so the disclosure of this providential man is very close. []
Our Lady of Good Success apparitions are fully approved by the Catholic
Church and are associated with many miracles. Our Lady spoke of such a "providential person" as mentioned above who would be a "prelate" which usually means a bishop, but can refer to an abbot.
Our Lady of Good Success, who appeared in Ecuador 400 years ago, made the following prophecies:
There would be a worldwide crisis of faith and morals in the 20th
century that will continue into our time which will be the "greatest
crisis of the Church" when "evil will seem to triumph," then God will
sent a "prelate" and Our Lady to restore the Church and defeat "Satan":
Fourth Apparition: January 21, 1610:
"The Supreme Shepherd and Vicar of Christ on Earth, who, being a prisoner in the Vatican... "
"... [I]n that greatest crisis of the Church, he who is obligated today speak in due time will remain silent."
(The Story of Our Lady of Good Success and Novena, Pages 40-41)
Ninth Apparition: March, 1634:
"Then the Church will suffer the dark night from lack of a prelate... "
"Pray with insistence, cry out without tiring and weep with bitter tears
in the secret recess of your heart, begging our Heavenly Father, for
the love of the Eucharistic Heart of my beloved Son, for the Most
Precious Blood poured out with such generosity and for the deep grief
and pain of His bitter Passion and death, to have pity on His ministers
and put an end, as soon as possible, to such disastrous times, by
sending to the Church the prelate who shall restore the spirit of his
priests... "
".... The tepidity of all souls consecrated to God in the sacerdotal and
religious state will impede having this prelate and father sooner... "
"... [E]vil will seem to triumph... "
"Then my hour shall arrive, in which I, in an astonishing manner, will
destroy the proud and accursed Satan, placing him under my feet and
burying him in the infernal abyss, while the Church and country finally
shall be free of his cruel tyranny."
(Ibid., Pages 80-81)
Our Lady of Good Success is showing us what we need to do:
1. Pray for the "prisoner" pope who the evidence points to probably being Benedict XVI.
2. "Pray with insistence... begging the Heavenly Father" to send "the
prelate," probably a bishop similar to St. Athanasius or possibly an abbot such as the great St. Bernard to help to
restore the Church as they did their times of either a weak pope or an antipope in the Vatican.
3. Pray for all the priests, bishops and religious to end their
"tepidity" or lukewarmness and to be on fire with adoration and love of
God as well as on fire to save souls for the glory of God.
4. Finally, pray for the Heavenly Father to send the Mother of His Son
Jesus Christ to "destroy... Satan... burying him in the infernal abyss."
Pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church and all the
above intentions as well as the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary
over Satan.
Please offer up Masses, Rosaries, prayers, fasting and sacrifices for these intentions.