Instead of opposing a "Great Reset" intended to destroy private
ownership for all but the globalist pseudo-elites, Francis makes
common cause with them: hiring the Belial of godless Socialism
to overturn the Beelzebub of rapacious Corporatism. Thereby, as
ever, he spurns and upends the perennial teachings of the Church.
Crony Capitalism
The Fascist-Communist Corporate Model
It was a kind of crony capitalism. For all the Nazi talk of
“workers" and “volk" the regime quickly fell into bed with
captains of German industry. - Niko Vasileas
Both Leo XIII and John Paul II rejected Socialism and Crony
Capitalism. Journalist Harlan Kirgan explains:
Pope Leo XIII condemned socialism in his 1891 encyclical
Rerum Novarum, (the Spirit of Revolutionary Change) as he said
“Socialism is against natural justice, liberty and common sense, as
it transfers the possessions of individuals to the community—this
strikes against the rights of man to possess property as his own.”
For further clarification, consider that God’s Ten Commandments
given to Moses includes “thou shall not steal”—which
presupposes man’s private property rights. One hundred thirty
years later we see that Pope Leo’s predictions were right on point.
Surprisingly, democratic socialism is being promoted today
in America’s universities and Democratic Party. How is it
that so many of America’s intellectuals and youth have either
forgotten, or were not taught, about socialism’s failures and
capitalism’s successes? You don’t even need to study history;
Venezuela is disintegrating today before our very eyes.
In 1991, Saint Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Centesimus Annus
promoted “Capitalism rightly understood” as the preferred
economic system as it allows man the freedom to produce
the wealth necessary to improve the world and take care of
the poor, just as God intended. Unfortunately, capitalism was
hijacked by our political leaders and converted into crony
capitalism as the allure of power and money was too powerful
to resist. Over the last 20 years this has led to significant “income
inequality” and poverty is now a concern for the middle class.
[, 20/11/20]
CHRISTIAN ORDER, FEBRUARY, 202216Instead of opposing a "Great Reset" intended to destroy private
ownership for all but the globalist pseudo-elites, Francis makes
common cause with them: hiring the Belial of godless Socialism
to overturn the Beelzebub of rapacious Corporatism. Thereby, as
ever, he spurns and upends the perennial teachings of the Church.
Crony Capitalism
The Fascist-Communist Corporate Model
It was a kind of crony capitalism. For all the Nazi talk of
“workers" and “volk" the regime quickly fell into bed with
captains of German industry. - Niko Vasileas
Both Leo XIII and John Paul II rejected Socialism and Crony
Capitalism. Journalist Harlan Kirgan explains:
Pope Leo XIII condemned socialism in his 1891 encyclical
Rerum Novarum, (the Spirit of Revolutionary Change) as he said
“Socialism is against natural justice, liberty and common sense, as
it transfers the possessions of individuals to the community—this
strikes against the rights of man to possess property as his own.”
For further clarification, consider that God’s Ten Commandments
given to Moses includes “thou shall not steal”—which
presupposes man’s private property rights. One hundred thirty
years later we see that Pope Leo’s predictions were right on point.
Surprisingly, democratic socialism is being promoted today
in America’s universities and Democratic Party. How is it
that so many of America’s intellectuals and youth have either
forgotten, or were not taught, about socialism’s failures and
capitalism’s successes? You don’t even need to study history;
Venezuela is disintegrating today before our very eyes.
In 1991, Saint Pope John Paul II’s encyclical Centesimus Annus
promoted “Capitalism rightly understood” as the preferred
economic system as it allows man the freedom to produce
the wealth necessary to improve the world and take care of
the poor, just as God intended. Unfortunately, capitalism was
hijacked by our political leaders and converted into crony
capitalism as the allure of power and money was too powerful
to resist. Over the last 20 years this has led to significant “income
inequality” and poverty is now a concern for the middle class.
[, 20/11/20]
Unfortunately, Francis supports that Socialism which Pope Leo
XIII declared "against natural justice, liberty and common sense."
Jose Azel, a senior scholar at the University of Miami, in the
respected international relations quarterly journal World Affairs
wrote a review of a book penned by Francis in 1998 while he was
Archbishop of Buenos Aires. In the article, in his own translation
of the book, Azel quotes the current pontiff as saying:
[N]eoliberal capitalism is a model that subordinates human
beings and conditions development to pure market forces...
thus humanity attends a cruel spectacle that crystallises the
enrichment of the few at the expense of the impoverishment
of the many.
Moreover, Francis's book, Dialogos entre Juan Pablo II Y Fidel
Castro, presents evidence that he is pro-Fidel Castro, anti-
Capitalism and by inference Anti-American because the United
States is the driving force behind the global free market system. He
wrote on page 23 that there apparently could be a "convergence"
of "premises" between Communism and Catholicism:
Fidel Castro offered a... convergence or points of connection
between Catholicism and the premises (los postulados) of the
[Cuban Communist] Revolution.
Later in his book, he states that there cannot be a
convergence of premises between Free Market Capitalism
and Catholicism:
You cannot hold the premises (los postulados) of
"neoliberalismo" (Capitalism) and be considered a Christian.
The failures of Marxism and Collectivism don't authorise
the Capitalist system (al sistema capitalista)... we find in
"neoliberalismo" (Capitalism) the opposite of the Gospel...
because it empties man of the economic progressivism or
economic progress (los progresos economicos).1
Apparently, Francis also supports the Hitlerian Crony Capitalism
of leftist, anti-"neoliberal" Argentinians like the Kirchners.
In 2012, the Wall Street Journal noted:
Jorge Luis Borges used to say that the Argentine people
suffered under "too many messiahs." Their current president,
Cristina Kirchner, certainly preaches like one. At U.N. meetings
she berates America and Europe...
1. Dialogos entre Juan Pablo II Y Fidel Castro, By Jorge Bergoglio, Copyright -
Ciudad Argentina, pp. 48-49. Translation by Fred Martinez.CHRISTIAN ORDER, FEBRUARY, 202217
... Mrs. Kirchner is the widow of former President Néstor
Kirchner and succeeded him as president in 2007. Under the
Kirchners, a global commodities boom provided tailwind for
an Argentine economy geared toward food production. Amid
the boom, the Kirchners denounced corrupt "neoliberalism,"
promising to "free the people" through revitalised government.
So while Peru and Colombia deepened structural reforms,
Argentina expanded bureaucracy and eschewed liberalisation.
This led to decreased independence for institutions like the
national statistics agency, Indec, which has lied about inflation
so blatantly that The Economist magazine now refuses to print
its cooked numbers. ...
... Back in the 1960s, situationist philosopher Guy Débord
coined the phrase "the society of the spectacle" to describe
the farce of Soviet bureaucrats pretending to defend the
proletariat while benefiting only themselves. ... Argentina
needs less televised lecturing and more action to address the
crony capitalism that pervades its government. Like other false
prophets, the Kirchner government has come to represent the
very evil it purported to fight. Argentina deserves better. ["A
Lesson in Crony Capitalism," WSJ, 9/8/12]
Sobering lesson
Most people don't realise that the foundations of Hitler's
totalitarianism were Big Business and Big Pharma. According
to journalist Ciara Torres-Spelliscy, "history may give us some
greater perspective on how corporate money in politics can
prove decisive":
It’s a largely forgotten piece of history, but in 1932 the German
Nazi Party was facing financial ruin. How did the Nazis move
from being broke to being in control of the German government
just a year later? The Nazi Party was bailed out by German
industrialists in early 1933.
The industrialists who led the way were two huge German
firms, I.G. Farben and Krupp. Leaders of both companies were
among the few civilians who were later charged with war
crimes at the Nuremberg Tribunals after World War II. These
trials placed the story of their financial and moral support of
the Nazis into the historical record. Krupp was a huge arms
manufacturer. I.G. Farben was a vast chemical company whichCHRISTIAN ORDER, FEBRUARY, 202218
made everything from Bayer aspirin to Zyklon B, the poison
used in the gas chambers.
According to The Arms of Krupp, the Nazi Party was
essentially bankrupt in late 1932. Joseph Goebbels, who would
later become the Minister of Propaganda, complained, “[w]e
are all very discouraged, particularly in the face of the present
danger that the entire party may collapse....The financial
situation of the Berlin organisation is hopeless. Nothing but
debts and obligations.”
Regardless of the party’s financial problems, Hitler was
named Chancellor in late January 1933. He called for elections
in early March. With less than two weeks left before the vote,
Herman Goering sent telegrams to Germany’s 25 leading
industrialists, inviting them to a secret meeting in Berlin on
February 20, 1933. Attending the gathering were four I.G. Farben
directors and Krupp chief Gustav Krupp. Hitler addressed the
group, saying “private enterprise cannot be maintained in a
democracy.” He also told the men that he would eliminate
trade unions and communists. Hitler asked for their financial
support and to back his vision for Germany.
According to Robert Jackson, the former Supreme Court
Justice and chief U.S. prosecutor at Nuremberg, “[T]he
industrialists...became so enthusiastic that they set about
to raise three million Reichsmarks [worth about $30 million
today] to strengthen and confirm the Nazi Party in power.”
[...] In the opening of the tribunal against the directors of
I.G. Farben, prosecutor U.S. Gen. Telford Taylor stated: “The
indictment accuses these men of major responsibility for
visiting upon mankind the most searing and catastrophic war
in human history. It accuses them of wholesale enslavement,
plunder, and murder.”
At the February meeting, the I.G. Farben executives gave
the Nazis 400,000 marks, and a total of 4.5 million marks by
the end of 1933, according to The Crime and Punishment of I.G.
Farben. This infusion of corporate cash saved the Nazi Party
from financial disaster. The rest, as they say, is history — tragic,
tragic history.
["How Big Business Bailed Out the Nazis," 20/5/16,
Brennan Center for Justice.]CHRISTIAN ORDER, FEBRUARY, 202219
Bergoglio/Biden nexus
We should not forget that both Francis and Biden are apparently
tied to the slave labour Crony Capitalism of the Chinese model
of economic/political dictatorship. The Chinese-American run
Epoch Times calls this the "Facist-Communist corporate model."
In a piece about the illegitimate 'vice-president' of America's
illegitimate administration', The American Conservative revealed:
By 2012, [Kamala] Harris was already a rising Democratic star
and a potential gubernatorial candidate. When she announced
that California would receive by far the largest share of the
$26 billion during the initial announcement of the National
Mortgage Settlement, it signalled her arrival to national politics...
Michael Hiltzik, a business columnist for the Los Angeles
Times, called... the duplicity displayed by Harris and the other
state AGs during the settlement negotiations was monumental.
The AGs made common cause with big Wall Street firms that
were selling the shares of the banks short in the pubic equity
markets before each salacious headline appeared in the New
York Times...
... Kamala Harris and President Obama refused to prosecute
the guilty, but they were happy to use their legal powers to tax
the shareholders of the big banks. The pension funds of public
employee unions and teachers’ unions paid for Kamala Harris’
political career. There is nothing pro-consumer or even mildly
progressive about Kamala Harris. She is the pinup girl of the
corrupt corporate crony capitalist state.
["Kamala Harris: Queen of the Crony Capitalists," 13/10/20]
Writing in 1940, free market economist Ludwig von Mises sought
to untangle the confusion surrounding the twin evils of Fascist
Crony Capitalism and Socialist Communism:
What is wrong with Western civilisation is the accepted habit
of judging political parties merely by asking whether they seem
new and radical enough, not by analysing whether they are
wise or unwise, or whether they are apt to achieve their aims.
Not everything that exists today is reasonable; but this does not
mean that everything that does not exist is sensible.
The usual terminology of political language is stupid. What
is “left” and what is “right”? Why should Hitler be “right” and
Stalin, his temporary friend, be “left”? Who is “reactionary”
and who is “progressive”? Reaction against an unwise policy isCHRISTIAN ORDER, FEBRUARY, 202220
not to be condemned. And progress towards chaos is not to be
commended. Nothing should find acceptance just because it is
new, radical, and fashionable. “Orthodoxy” is not an evil if the
doctrine on which the “orthodox” stand is sound. Who is anti-
labour, those who want to lower labour to the Russian level,
or those who want for labour the capitalistic standard of the
United States? Who is “nationalist,” those who want to bring
their nation under the heel of the Nazis, or those who want to
preserve its independence [as in the United States]?
Pope Leo XIII made an even better point about the opposition
of Socialism (Francis) and Crony Capitalism (Biden) to Catholic
Social Teachings. As explained by Professor Anthony Esolen:
Now one cannot cure sin by sin. Our Lord tells us: one cannot
cast out devils in the name of Beelzebub. But this, Leo sees,
is what some revolutionaries pretend to do: “To remedy these
wrongs the Socialists, working on the poor man’s envy of the rich,
are striving to do away with private property, and contend that
individual possessions should become the common property
of all, to be administered by the State or by municipal bodies.”
Leo does not condemn Socialism for its practical failure,
although he notes—did he board a time-machine to visit
Russia and Cuba and what used to be Great Britain?—that
“the workingman himself would be among the first to suffer.”
We must see the relationship aright. Socialism is not evil
because it fails. It fails, because it is evil. Nor is it justified
because unchecked rapacity is evil—the antisocial money-
squeezing [ of Crony Capitalism] which Dickens, alike
suspicious of socialists, condemned. One does not hire Belial
to fight Beelzebub.
At this point, one might expect Leo to launch into economic
analysis, and provide a “solution” to the trouble. But we must
clear away the childishly bad thinking to which we have grown
accustomed—our fetish for numbers. Man is a moral being
to the core. Man is oriented by his nature toward God, with
every breath he takes. We seek not money. We seek joy.
["Leo XIII Knew Socialism Would Fail Because it was Evil,"
Crisis magazine, 10/1/13. Bold emphasis added.]
Thanks to the Catholic Monitor (11/12/21)