"Fauci’s NIH now lists IVERMECTIN as an antiviral therapy to treat COVID. The most recent study in Brazil of 88,012 people found Ivermectin cut the chance of COVID death by 92%"
Fauci’s NIH now lists IVERMECTIN as an antiviral therapy to treat COVID. The most recent study in Brazil of 88,012 people found Ivermectin
cut the chance of COVID death by 92%. Now’s a good time to think about
the censorship, pharmacy bans on it and hate people got for using it. [https://twitter.com/search?q=Ivermectin&src=typed_query&f=top]
Not using Ivermectin is killing people - by Peter Halligan
Marjorie Taylor Greene: People blocking ivermectin are "guilty of murde