Why Steve Bannon is One of the Most Dangerous People in the World.... Under Biden, every metric has gotten demonstrably worse, especially for Blacks. Trump and Bannon are not MAGA, they are simply a vessel; a mouthpiece; the voice of MAGA. We, the people are MAGA, that is why the radical liberals are threatened by Steve Bannon.
Why Steve Bannon is One of the Most Dangerous People in the World:
Trump is the voice and face of MAGA, but Bannon is a close second.
But the media has attempted, and failed, to paint MAGA as a white supremacist movement. Nothing could be further from the truth.
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MAGA says if you believe everything we do should be with America’s interest at heart, then come and join our movement. If you believe Blacks deserve the same rights as whites, then come let us reason together. If you want to keep more of your hard-earned money and not continue to pay more and more in taxes for an intrusive government, then we want you to be part of our coalition.
Anyone who seriously wants to put America’s interest ahead of the global elite and their obsession with a one world government is already MAGA whether they know it or not.
Anyone who gets in the way of the global elites like Bill Gates, George Soros, Angela Merkel, etc., are considered threats to the elite’s global world order and must be dispensed with immediately.
This is why the radical liberal elites are coming after people like Trump, Bannon, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil and Nigel Farage in the United Kingdom.
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These individuals are all considered disruptors to the radical elite’s plan to create a one world government where its citizens are treated as disposable parts to be seen and not heard; to simply do what they are told or given permission to do. Like when you can charge your electric car.
Americans were told that if they simply got rid of Donald Trump everything would get better. In reality, under Trump’s policies America was humming along with a great economy, a strong national defense and historically low unemployment, especially for Blacks.
Under Biden, every metric has gotten demonstrably worse, especially for Blacks.
Trump and Bannon are not MAGA, they are simply a vessel; a mouthpiece; the voice of MAGA. We, the people are MAGA, that is why the radical liberals are threatened by Steve Bannon.