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mass killing at the Mandalay Bay hotel in Las Vegas (almost exactly 5 years ago): 64 year old man in poor physical condition with no criminal history and by most accounts, plenty of money in the bank, suddenly decides to commit the worst mass shooting in American history by targeting a bunch of innocent concert goers? And he does so by taking out hurricane proof glass from a hotel high rise with high powered weapons, firing off hundreds and hundreds of shots from multiple high powered rifles? I'm going to say that there is something else at play here. I don't claim to know what.


It has been awhile since I went down this rabbit hole and most of what I read and saw at the time has likely been scrubbed from the internet, but here is what I found (more or less):

Paddock was a covert operative (most likely Company) and he was there to do an ISIS gun deal, or at least set up ISIS for what else was happening.

Paddock didn't have the guns all loaded and extra clips ready. The gun placement from some of the photos look like he could not have killed himself.

There were videos of someone at the Tropicana being escorted out under security, allegedly Prince MbS of Saudi Arabia.

The top 4 floors of the Mandalay Bay are the Four Seasons and were owned by Prince Alaweed of Saudi Arabia, who ended up a prisoner and tortured and MbS took power.

There were odd unidentified helicopters flying around the Mandalay Bay at the time of the shooting. Saudi Arabia just happened to have 4 military attack helicopters in Las Vegas that day from some military games that happened a few days later.

There were numerous reports of other gunmen at other hotels. There were videos as well.

Many survivors have died mysteriously over the last 5 years.

I suspect it was an operation to capture or kill MbS, that was intended to be blamed on ISIS, that went wrong. MbS wasn't where they thought he would be, as he had slipped out, likely using a double, to go gamble or something at the Trop. Paddock was killed by the fake ISIS operators, who also fired on the crowd. The crowd was killed to divert from what was happening.

So ISIS was the original cover story, and Paddock ended up the fall guy, likely against his choice.

I don't know what really happened in the Las Vegas shooting but the official story is, as they say, SUSS.

A 64 year old man in poor physical condition with no criminal history and by most accounts, plenty of money in the bank, suddenly decides to commit the worst mass shooting in American history by targeting a bunch of innocent concert goers? And he does so by taking out hurricane proof glass from a hotel high rise with high powered weapons, firing off hundreds and hundreds of shots from multiple high powered rifles? I'm going to say that there is something else at play here. I don't claim to know what. The guy has no military history but he understands how to calculate the arc of the bullets from hundreds of feet in the air to know where bullets from those rifles would hit? I don't even think he had the physical strength to carry out this attack by himself.

And for what purpose? So he can go out in a blaze of horrific violence? Why? He wasn't some angst ridden 19 year old. He was a 64 year old man who had money to gamble.

Again, I don't claim to know what really happened but the official story makes no sense. And the unwillingness of both the Clark County Sheriff (who is now running for Governor) and the FBI to really figure this one out is also SUSS AF. At the very least, we should have him on a LOT more video than we have seen. Everything in Vegas on the strip is videotaped. Everything. And there is a lot more security than most people realize. Not only are there cameras everywhere but there are sensors that detect guns and ammo - though I can't say in detail what security Mandalay Bay had at the time.


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