During Christmas was Satan Defeated by his Ignorance of Jesus' Incarnation, Mary's Virginity & Joseph's Name according to a Discipline of the Apostle St. John?
What did a discipline of the Apostle St. John who Jesus made the son of His Mother on the cross say about about the ignorance of Satan?
The discipline of St. John St. Ignatius (30-107) wrote:
"[U]nknown to thee [Satan]; the virginity of Mary; the wonderful birth; Who it was that became incarnate... the removal into Egypt and return from that country to the same region... the name [Joseph] of the father given to Him who did not beget."
(The Ante-Nicene Fathers, Epistle of Ignatius to the Philippians, Chap. VIII. - Continuation: Ignorance of Satan, American Reprint of Edinburgh Edition)
God the Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Ghost, choose to defeat Satan by blinding him in ignorance of Jesus' Incarnation, Mary's Virginity and Joseph's Name as well as the saint's protection of the Holy Family.
Please pray in thankgiving and mediate about this as we close in on Christmas.