This Gnosticism is in Neo-Platonism which is implicit in the Eastern Church Fathers and Eastern Orthodoxy which appears to reject part of the Catholic doctrine of the Incarnation by rejecting that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son and this in part led to the Eastern Orthodox accepting of intrinsic evils such as contraception, divorce and other errors.
It seemed useful because of the length of the article to post with James' permission a email exchange we had that gives a overview a his important, but long piece:
Great article Jim. I agree with most of it.
Good tracing back beyond even Ockham of Kant and Hegel to heretical
Neo-Platonism. I agree that Ratzinger was a Hegelian and Teihardian, but he was
moving away from Kantianism from which comes Hegel both of which come from
Ockham and as you traced all the way back to heretical Neo-Platonism.
I think Ratzinger was a confused thinker attempting to get out of the Kant
trap who never was able to get out of the H and T trap.
Ratzinger it appears too me was attempting to be a orthodox
Ratzinger it appears too me was attempting to be a orthodox
Catholic despite deeply flawed philosophy whereas Francis
is not making a attempt to be orthodox.
In link below read where Ratzinger says one can't put praxis ahead of doctrine as
does Francis and the Marxist Hegelians.
Please read the link below.
I agree. Ratzinger was trying to get out of the Kant trap, while
rejecting Thomism, and this because of his surrender to reductive
science. I read the piece you sent. It is so much like thousands of
other pages he wrote - bouncing from one confused modern philosopher
to another, juxtaposing them, and ending up with nothing. It draws
forth the image of a man slushing through a swamp futilely searching
for clean and refreshing water, while 200 feet away there is a hill
offering an artesian spring of pure, living water. Most disturbing,
however, is the fact that he always comes across as believing that all
this is a necessary and worthwhile endeavor. There is not even any
honest sign of desperation. That, to me, is what is really scary about
him. He should be weeping and loudly crying out for help.
Here is a brief overview of Jim's treatise.
Gnosticism is pantheistic which rejects that God created everything out of nothing. It, also, believes we and creation are sparks of God and can return to be God with Gnosticism's secret knowledge.
This Gnosticism is in Neo-Platonism which is implicit in the Eastern Church Fathers and Eastern Orthodoxy which appears to reject part of the Catholic doctrine of the Incarnation by rejecting that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son and this in part led to the Eastern Orthodox accepting of intrinsic evils such as contraception, divorce and other errors.
Gnosticism is pantheistic which rejects that God created everything out of nothing. It, also, believes we and creation are sparks of God and can return to be God with Gnosticism's secret knowledge.
This Gnosticism is in Neo-Platonism which is implicit in the Eastern Church Fathers and Eastern Orthodoxy which appears to reject part of the Catholic doctrine of the Incarnation by rejecting that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son and this in part led to the Eastern Orthodox accepting of intrinsic evils such as contraception, divorce and other errors.
Neo-Platonism was rejected and purified of its heretical elements by St. Thomas Aquinas which was and is in many non-Thomist scholars and even saints throughout Catholic history.
Gnosticism returned to Catholicism in our time as a strong force through Modernism specifically Hegelianism and Teilhard de Chardin's evolutionary teachings which were supported with some qualifications by Pope Benedict and without apparently any qualifications by Pope Francis.
Gnosticism returned to Catholicism in our time as a strong force through Modernism specifically Hegelianism and Teilhard de Chardin's evolutionary teachings which were supported with some qualifications by Pope Benedict and without apparently any qualifications by Pope Francis.
Francis's Gnostic Teihardism means "Time is proposed... as being greater than God's Supreme Being... and Revealed Truth" so Francis's "mercy trumps" the Ten Commandments and all moral infallible teachings starting with allowing Communion for adulterers in it's evolutionary unfolding.
The piece is long so I advice unless you have time to skim or scan the piece first and then go back to it when you have time. It is well worth the effort.
Please pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.
The piece is long so I advice unless you have time to skim or scan the piece first and then go back to it when you have time. It is well worth the effort.
Please pray an Our Father now for the restoration of the Church.