Litany of Forgiveness (Lord, Have Mercy) - YouTube
Litany of Forgiveness
Lord Jesus, who are mercy and forgiveness, R. grant me Lord, a heart like yours.
Toward those who have insulted me, R. grant me Lord, a heart like yours
Toward those who have forgotten me,
Toward those who have despised me,
Toward those whose blindness has injured me,
Toward those whose decisions have wounded me,
Toward those whose sins have impacted me,
Toward those whose selfishness has deprived me,
Toward those whose failings have made obstacles for me,
Toward those who have betrayed me,
Toward those who have misunderstood me,
Toward those who have criticized me,
For those I have injured by my pride, R. grant them Lord, to forgive me.
For those I have hurt with my words and actions,
For those I neglected in my indifference,
For those I disdained in my arrogance,
For those I forgot in my self-centeredness,
For those I insulted in my callousness,
For those I did not seek to understand,
For those I scandalized by my sins,
For those who were counting on me and I failed them,
For those to whom I was afraid to be a witness of your love,
For those for whom I made no place in my heart,
Jesus meek and humble of heart, R. make my heart more like yours.
Lord Jesus Christ, you are mercy and forgiveness. You never cease to love me unconditionally and are
always ready to forgive me. Strengthen my will and soften my heart so that, with a love ever more like
yours, I may truly forgive all those who have hurt me in any way and always be ready to seek forgiveness
from anyone I have harmed. Amen. []