Larson Thomist philosophy vs reductive science:Larson: "Bacon, Galileo..Descartes..denied the minds ability to grasp universals & the substantial forms of real things...substantive is only subjective..reductive formulations, particles, or waves of scientific analysis is to destroy the reliability & objectivity of all of man’s perception and knowledge..If God created man to see delusions, then the ultimate delusion must be the trustworthiness of God Himself and His Revelation..Every child in the public educational system of this country is taught a reductive scientism which produces in them a state of epistemological schizophrenia
Larson: "Bacon, Galileo..Descartes..denied the minds ability to grasp universals & the substantial forms of real things...substantive is only subjective..reductive formulations, particles, or waves of scientific analysis is to destroy the reliability & objectivity of all of man’s perception and knowledge..If God created man to see delusions, then the ultimate delusion must be the trustworthiness of God Himself and His Revelation..Every child in the public educational system of this country is taught a reductive scientism which produces in them a state of epistemological schizophrenia
The word “metaphysics” means “beyond physics.”
First principle:
"Without understanding the metaphysical being [beyond physics of being] of created things, one is incapable of understanding the substantial nature of any created substance."
Second principle:
"Metaphysics, therefore, is that the word itself is dedicated to a science which establishes the truth that no physical substance is reducible to analysis by any physical science. In other words, there is something “beyond” analytical physics, chemistry, [all modern scientific math quantitative measurement] etc."
These two principles mean:
"The very idea that there is something “transcendent [beyond]” (in the sense of “transcending” [beyond] physical analysis and quantification) as the defining essence of every created substance shatters all scientific reductionism and opens up our entire world to the presence of the supernatural. It restores divine poetry (and every other true form of beauty and goodness) to the world. [Beyond physics] Metaphysics is, in other words, the gateway to the supernatural. It is the gateway to the good, the beautiful, and the true."
God vs. man's being
Infinite Being of God is that He is Pure Act. We must understand, however, that when we use this concept in regard to God, we must be careful not to confuse its scholastic usage with many of its connotations in English. Scholastic metaphysics distinguishes between “Act” and “Potency.” When we use the phrase “Pure Act” as a scholastic concept, we are saying that in God there is no “potency” or potential to become something different or attain to something different (such as knowledge, love, etc) which has not been integral to God’s Essence for all eternity. In other words, when we say that God is Pure Act, we are saying that God for all eternity is fully and totally actualized. There is, in other words, no potency whatsoever in God. Very simply put, God does not change.
Every created being possesses both act and potency...
A tree, for instance, can undergo many “accidental” changes (such as size and quantity, ) which still leave it a tree; or it can also undergo a substantial change by which it dies and ceases to exist as the substance “tree.” Similarly, a human being undergoes all sorts of changes during his life, even to the point of the death of his body. What is more, he is always in potency towards his final destiny – whether it be union with God, or eternal condemnation...
The only way of explaining this “substantial” identity in the midst of all this change is to philosophically and scientifically posit this distinction between substantial and accidental being.