Étienne Gilson, a prominent Catholic philosopher, argued that "God is not a substance" & jeffrey kalb: gilson's "derogation of substance.. insuperable difficulties.. Trinitarian and Eucharistic theology. page 12
Étienne Gilson, a prominent Catholic philosopher, argued that "God is not a substance" because he believed that attempting to define God using the category of "substance" as understood in philosophy, which implies a distinct essence separate from existence, falls short of capturing the true nature of God, who is considered to be pure act and where essence and existence are completely unified.
Key points about Gilson's stance:
- In traditional philosophy, a "substance" has a distinct essence that makes it what it is, separate from its mere existence. Gilson argues that this distinction does not apply to God, as God's essence is identical to his being.
- Gilson emphasizes that God is not a potential being that becomes something, but rather pure act, meaning his existence is not derived from anything else and is completely self-sufficient.
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