Q: After Pope Francis visited your country in September 2022, America magazine published an article titled ‘There is only one true religion’: Kazakh bishop says his criticisms of Pope Francis' interfaith outreach are a sign of collegiality." The writer claimed that during Pope Francis' visit, you criticized the Pope for promoting a supermarket of religions. Is that true? I saw a photo of you shaking his hand through his car window during his visit, and you were both smiling at each other.
A: Of course. I was greeting him and he was kind to me. - Roseanne Sullivan, Substack [https://roseannetsullivan.substack.com/p/only-the-truth-will-give-you-joy]
"In 2019 the controversial Abu Dhabi document asserted that God wills “the pluralism and the diversity of religions” in apparently the same sense that He wills a plurality of races and sexes. It was Bishop Athanasius Schneider from Kazakhstan who secured from Pope Francis an informal clarification, when the pontiff verbally conceded that God’s willing of a plurality of religions is merely permissive." Catholic Herald [https://catholicherald.co.uk/pope-francis-the-permission-of-evil-and-the-right-to-heaven-bishop-athanasius-schneider-takes-stock/]
The Munich Agreement was Britain’s most significant act of appeasement to date.

Neville Chamberlain: “Peace for Our Time”
Chamberlain returned from the meeting in Munich triumphant. In London, he famously proclaimed:
“My good friends, for the second time in our history, a British Prime Minister has returned from Germany bringing peace with honor. I believe it is peace for our time.” - Holocaust Encyclopedia [https://encyclopedia.ushmm.org/content/en/article/neville-chamberlain]
Chamberlain and Hitler both signed the Munich Agreement, allowing Germany to annex the Sudetenland. That was the appeasement: giving Hitler what he wanted in the hope it might satisfy him. But in an intriguing twist – given prominence in the film – the next morning Chamberlain persuaded Hitler to sign a separate declaration in which Britain and Germany promised never to go to war again. This was the famous piece of paper that Chamberlain waved triumphantly on his return, claiming that he had secured “peace for our time”. - The Guardian [https://www.theguardian.com/film/2021/dec/15/hitler-chamberlain-munich-edge-reason-robert-harris-jeremy-irons]